>But I guess that should crash.
Try to debug using a #halt:
(FooClass >> #foo) halt valueWithReceiver: inst arguments: #()
This will crash the debugger with an bounds error.
Now put an additionall "self halt" into #foo as the first line
self halt.
Transcript show: var5 asString.
You will now notice that the debugger works and you can step
through. There it jumps from #withArgs:executeMethod:
(which is implemented in primitive 188) directly into #foo.
You will end up in #foo with inst as receiver and the debugger
shows that it was called on AnotherClass but found in FooClass.
see the top line of the stack:
But AnotherClass is not a subclass of FooClass so there are more
side effects.
So I guess primitive 188 does not do any checking and
later a random value is returned depending on what is in memory.
But I can only guess...
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