I went to Biloxi and all I got was a Tshirt, part 4

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I went to Biloxi and all I got was a Tshirt, part 4

Chris Cunnington
[hidden email]

There don't seem to be any young people in this casino. It's all middle
aged people and old people with time and money. Go across the street to
the Waffle House and the prices fall in half and there are young people.
It's an ersatz environment with its thirty foot ceilings, air
conditioning that's always a bit too cold, and the sound of the slot
machines. It's pleasant, but sterile after three or four days.

I saw Dale's presentation Practical Git For Smalltalk. The details are
in my first post of this series. He did mention that Amber could be used
to inspect Smalltalk code stored in GitHub. That's neat. The interesting
part of this talk was at the end, when people from different dialects
were asking questions. It started to take on the feeling of a revival
meeting. People felt very strongly that this was going to be an advance
for everybody across the board. Lots of excitement. Dale did qualify his
position a bit saying it wasn't a panacea, but that it would be good for
people sharing a project, like Seaside, over different dialects.

I saw the lightning talks which were a mixed bag. Things were displayed,
though sometimes you weren't sure what the take-away message was
supposed to be.

I'll outline mine first as it's clearest in my mind. I read the Ramon
Leon blog posting above in December and had an epiphany that in Linux I
wasn't starting an image, I was starting a process. Obvious on the
surface of it, but it lead to other thoughts. seasidehosting.st has
people upload whole images. It takes seven minutes and I've always hated
that. Why not just upload the mcz and load it into a generic image? Make
seasidehosting.com into a host. Upload an mcz and have a request use
mod_rewrite with rewrite map and a BASH script to pull a subdomain
related port and mcz into a generic image on startup?

Thierry Thelliez did a presentation called Compliance Certification
Management System 2 years later. I'm not sure what it was about. You
could Google it, I guess.

Bob Nemic of Cherniak Software in Toronto did a talk, I should say all
the talks were 5 minutes, on mobile Seaside. They have a Seaside issue
portal and he was using CSS to make a switch if somebody turns their
iPhone sideways.

John O'Keefe of Instantiations showed a VA Monticello importer.

Martin of Cincom did something with SSH.

Chris Muller presented NakedObjects, which is a behavior browser. You
drag and drop a method from the SystemBrowser into NakedObjects, which I
believe is made with Maui. He can explain it better than I can.

Seth of I believe Instantiations showed a code completion where you
could drag one of the options and a browser would appear with it.

David Buck presented a SpaceWar game with old fashioned cylons he was
building with his son.

Martin McClure did something with floating point.

There was no presentation of Amber with 0MQ. The way Sebastian told it
to me, he and Johnny didn't gel when they tried to work together. Too
much California and not enough Bavaria. Or the other way around. Still
sounds like a good idea, though.

STIC will be held June 2013 in Arizona. There will be another
SmalltalkDirections track, as Ralph Johnson was not discouraged: "It's a
small start." If you contact Suzanne Fortman at the email above, she
will give you a code for $100 off the price.

No mention of Biloxi would be complete without saying Hurricane Katrina
passed a thirty foot wave over this sandy peninsula and destroyed
everything. You don't hear about it in the casino. Step outside and meet
a local and you'll hear about their house being cut in half and how
'This Waffle House is a new building.' Then they'll tell you about the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This is the South. To me, and as a
Canadian, the South is the most distinct and opaque culture in the
United States. Whatever it is that's unique down here does not travel
and can't be shown on television. It's an interesting place to visit.

That wraps it up for my trip to Biloxi. I'm on a shuttle to the airport
in an hour.

Thanks for reading,

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Re: I went to Biloxi and all I got was a Tshirt, part 4

Thanks for your notes, very interesting lectures to stay tunned with
the conference.

2012/3/22, Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>:

> http://onsmalltalk.com/scaling-seaside-more-advanced-load-balancing-and-publishing
> [hidden email]
> There don't seem to be any young people in this casino. It's all middle
> aged people and old people with time and money. Go across the street to
> the Waffle House and the prices fall in half and there are young people.
> It's an ersatz environment with its thirty foot ceilings, air
> conditioning that's always a bit too cold, and the sound of the slot
> machines. It's pleasant, but sterile after three or four days.
> I saw Dale's presentation Practical Git For Smalltalk. The details are
> in my first post of this series. He did mention that Amber could be used
> to inspect Smalltalk code stored in GitHub. That's neat. The interesting
> part of this talk was at the end, when people from different dialects
> were asking questions. It started to take on the feeling of a revival
> meeting. People felt very strongly that this was going to be an advance
> for everybody across the board. Lots of excitement. Dale did qualify his
> position a bit saying it wasn't a panacea, but that it would be good for
> people sharing a project, like Seaside, over different dialects.
> I saw the lightning talks which were a mixed bag. Things were displayed,
> though sometimes you weren't sure what the take-away message was
> supposed to be.
> I'll outline mine first as it's clearest in my mind. I read the Ramon
> Leon blog posting above in December and had an epiphany that in Linux I
> wasn't starting an image, I was starting a process. Obvious on the
> surface of it, but it lead to other thoughts. seasidehosting.st has
> people upload whole images. It takes seven minutes and I've always hated
> that. Why not just upload the mcz and load it into a generic image? Make
> seasidehosting.com into a host. Upload an mcz and have a request use
> mod_rewrite with rewrite map and a BASH script to pull a subdomain
> related port and mcz into a generic image on startup?
> Thierry Thelliez did a presentation called Compliance Certification
> Management System 2 years later. I'm not sure what it was about. You
> could Google it, I guess.
> Bob Nemic of Cherniak Software in Toronto did a talk, I should say all
> the talks were 5 minutes, on mobile Seaside. They have a Seaside issue
> portal and he was using CSS to make a switch if somebody turns their
> iPhone sideways.
> John O'Keefe of Instantiations showed a VA Monticello importer.
> Martin of Cincom did something with SSH.
> Chris Muller presented NakedObjects, which is a behavior browser. You
> drag and drop a method from the SystemBrowser into NakedObjects, which I
> believe is made with Maui. He can explain it better than I can.
> Seth of I believe Instantiations showed a code completion where you
> could drag one of the options and a browser would appear with it.
> David Buck presented a SpaceWar game with old fashioned cylons he was
> building with his son.
> Martin McClure did something with floating point.
> There was no presentation of Amber with 0MQ. The way Sebastian told it
> to me, he and Johnny didn't gel when they tried to work together. Too
> much California and not enough Bavaria. Or the other way around. Still
> sounds like a good idea, though.
> STIC will be held June 2013 in Arizona. There will be another
> SmalltalkDirections track, as Ralph Johnson was not discouraged: "It's a
> small start." If you contact Suzanne Fortman at the email above, she
> will give you a code for $100 off the price.
> No mention of Biloxi would be complete without saying Hurricane Katrina
> passed a thirty foot wave over this sandy peninsula and destroyed
> everything. You don't hear about it in the casino. Step outside and meet
> a local and you'll hear about their house being cut in half and how
> 'This Waffle House is a new building.' Then they'll tell you about the
> Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This is the South. To me, and as a
> Canadian, the South is the most distinct and opaque culture in the
> United States. Whatever it is that's unique down here does not travel
> and can't be shown on television. It's an interesting place to visit.
> That wraps it up for my trip to Biloxi. I'm on a shuttle to the airport
> in an hour.
> Thanks for reading,
> Chris

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