I wish be in the SOB

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I wish be in the SOB

Edgar De Cleene
I wish be in the SOB Folks:

I was the lucky guy having Ralph Johnson leading the 3.10 release process an who start the actual process of download some packages and work with Monticello instead of change sets.
Later all was polished by Andreas , sill have the many mails we exchange as a treasure.
Also make the SqueakLight and FunSqueak projects.

The goal is start as small and simple as possible and grow to any past or present Squeak project.

This days , for the 3 possible starting points:

Pavel kernel via Oz

I choose Cuis 3.1 reduced and was able to have DragAndDrop in it (kind of) see demo here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kORHwSsKeWU

Also was present in Smalltalks, last here in Rosario http://www.fast.org.ar/smalltalks2013.
And we have a Spanish group here http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/squeakRos/info

Could contact me with:
Twitter @morplenauta
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/edgar.decleene

So we wish be in the next SOB and ask for your support.
