[IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys

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[IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys

Carlos Rabassa

thanks for your answer.

I believe I wrote the necessary scripts to get the computer to take pictures at regular intervals and automatically prepare an animation,  based on those pictures,  to get a result hopefully like this:


We still have one problem for which we need help.

Neither me using Etoys in a Mac,  nor the person who asked me to post the question,  using Etoys in Windows,  can get the computer?s camera to respond to the Etoys commands in the video section of the camera visor.

These are the scripts we created,  while we aren?t able to activate the camera:

Dragging the camera object out of the Object Catalog,  I get a blue frame with a working clock on it.

Imagine please,  until we resolve the problem of activating the camera,  that the animation I want to create consists of a series of still pictures of this clock taken at regular intervals.

Please find attached what I have done:

I adjusted the clock in the takePics script to take the photos automatically at regular intervals.

I set it at 0.01 ticks per second which resulted in one photo every 1min 40sec as you can see in the clock photos already in the holder.

For the animation script I set the clock at 1 tick per second to be able to see the difference between each frame.

Carlos Rabassa
Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Try
> Holder include: Camera's lastframe copy
> - Bert -
> On 05.02.2011, at 19:01, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
>> Texto en Espa?ol luego del Ingl?s
>> An Etoys user has contacted us for help.
>> This is what he wants to do:
>> - Take pictures with and XO at regular intervals,  let?s say every 10 minutes.
>> - Use a series of these pictures to put together an animation,  the final result being something like this:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> He wants to work with Etoys,  not Smalltalk.
>> He has been trying to use
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> to write a script to take the periodic pictures.
>> He would like to move the pictures to a holder to do the animation.
>> Instead of getting the pictures he is getting just a tile called
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> Your advice would be appreciated.
>> Texto en Espa?ol:
>> Nos ha contactado un usuario de Etoys pidiendo ayuda.
>> Esto es lo que quiere hacer:
>> - Tomar fotos con la XO a intervalos regulares,  digamos cada 10 minutos.
>> - Usar una serie de estas fotos para juntarlas en una animaci?n logrando un resultado de este tipo:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> Desea trabajar en Etoys, no Smalltalk.
>> Ha estado tratando de usar
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> para escribir un gui?n para tomar las fotos peri?dicas.
>> Le gustar?a mover luego las fotos a un contenedor para hacer la animaci?n.
>> En vez de las fotos le est? apareciendo un mosaico titulado
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> Los consejos de ustedes ser?n apreciados.
>> Carlos Rabassa
>> Voluntario
>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>> _______________________________________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

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[IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys

Bert Freudenberg
The camera object only works on the XO-1 so far. There has been work to support it on more machines, but so far that has not been finished. Help welcome.

- Bert -

On 07.02.2011, at 20:13, Carlos Rabassa <carnen at mac.com> wrote:

> Bert,
> thanks for your answer.
> I believe I wrote the necessary scripts to get the computer to take pictures at regular intervals and automatically prepare an animation,  based on those pictures,  to get a result hopefully like this:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
> We still have one problem for which we need help.
> Neither me using Etoys in a Mac,  nor the person who asked me to post the question,  using Etoys in Windows,  can get the computer?s camera to respond to the Etoys commands in the video section of the camera visor.
> These are the scripts we created,  while we aren?t able to activate the camera:
> Dragging the camera object out of the Object Catalog,  I get a blue frame with a working clock on it.
> Imagine please,  until we resolve the problem of activating the camera,  that the animation I want to create consists of a series of still pictures of this clock taken at regular intervals.
> Please find attached what I have done:
> <Animation from Camera.001.pr>
> I adjusted the clock in the takePics script to take the photos automatically at regular intervals.
> I set it at 0.01 ticks per second which resulted in one photo every 1min 40sec as you can see in the clock photos already in the holder.
> For the animation script I set the clock at 1 tick per second to be able to see the difference between each frame.
> Carlos Rabassa
> Voluntario
> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Try
>> Holder include: Camera's lastframe copy
>> - Bert -
>> On 05.02.2011, at 19:01, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
>>> Texto en Espa?ol luego del Ingl?s
>>> An Etoys user has contacted us for help.
>>> This is what he wants to do:
>>> - Take pictures with and XO at regular intervals,  let?s say every 10 minutes.
>>> - Use a series of these pictures to put together an animation,  the final result being something like this:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>>> He wants to work with Etoys,  not Smalltalk.
>>> He has been trying to use
>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>> to write a script to take the periodic pictures.
>>> He would like to move the pictures to a holder to do the animation.
>>> Instead of getting the pictures he is getting just a tile called
>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>> Your advice would be appreciated.
>>> Texto en Espa?ol:
>>> Nos ha contactado un usuario de Etoys pidiendo ayuda.
>>> Esto es lo que quiere hacer:
>>> - Tomar fotos con la XO a intervalos regulares,  digamos cada 10 minutos.
>>> - Usar una serie de estas fotos para juntarlas en una animaci?n logrando un resultado de este tipo:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>>> Desea trabajar en Etoys, no Smalltalk.
>>> Ha estado tratando de usar
>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>> para escribir un gui?n para tomar las fotos peri?dicas.
>>> Le gustar?a mover luego las fotos a un contenedor para hacer la animaci?n.
>>> En vez de las fotos le est? apareciendo un mosaico titulado
>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>> Los consejos de ustedes ser?n apreciados.
>>> Carlos Rabassa
>>> Voluntario
>>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>>> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
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[IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys

Carlos Rabassa
In reply to this post by Carlos Rabassa

qu? bueno o?r esto.

Acabo de recibir este enlace de un compa?ero de estudios,  Pedro Vilanova.


En la ?ltima l?nea del art?culo hay un enlace al video del tipo "time lapse" que parece aprendimos a hacer.

Es un ejemplo muy claro de algo que podr?n hacer los ni?os con la nueva t?cnica.

Yo creo dominar la t?cnica para hacer el video pero a?n no logro inclu?r instrucciones en el gui?n para que la c?mara se ponga a funcionar en mi computadora no-XO.

Hay algunas instrucciones bastante obvias pero no me funcionan ni al hacer click en el signo de interrogaci?n ni al inclu?rlas en el gui?n.

?Has logrado esto tambi?n o has conseguido el buen resultado usando una XO?

Carlos Rabassa
Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:29 AM, Pato Acevedo wrote:

> Hola a todos:
> La captura de fotogramas desde Etoys en la xo ya est? trabajando.  Agradezco  a Bert y Carlos  por la colaboraci?n.
> Pato Acevedo
> SugarLabs Chile
> From: carnen at mac.com
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys
> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 21:14:14 +0100
> To: patitoacevedo at hotmail.com
> Pato,
> que quieres decir con perfecto,  ?lograste hacer funcionar la c?mara?
> Carlos
> On Feb 7, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Pato Acevedo wrote:
> Carlos, eso  trabaja perfecto.
> Gracias por tu apoyo
> Pato Acevedo
> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys
> From: carnen at mac.com
> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 20:13:45 +0100
> CC: iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org; patitoacevedo at hotmail.com; squeakland at squeakland.org; america-latina at squeakland.org
> To: bert at freudenbergs.de
> Bert,
> thanks for your answer.
> I believe I wrote the necessary scripts to get the computer to take pictures at regular intervals and automatically prepare an animation,  based on those pictures,  to get a result hopefully like this:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
> We still have one problem for which we need help.
> Neither me using Etoys in a Mac,  nor the person who asked me to post the question,  using Etoys in Windows,  can get the computer?s camera to respond to the Etoys commands in the video section of the camera visor.
> These are the scripts we created,  while we aren?t able to activate the camera:
> Dragging the camera object out of the Object Catalog,  I get a blue frame with a working clock on it.
> Imagine please,  until we resolve the problem of activating the camera,  that the animation I want to create consists of a series of still pictures of this clock taken at regular intervals.
> Please find attached what I have done:
> I adjusted the clock in the takePics script to take the photos automatically at regular intervals.
> I set it at 0.01 ticks per second which resulted in one photo every 1min 40sec as you can see in the clock photos already in the holder.
> For the animation script I set the clock at 1 tick per second to be able to see the difference between each frame.
> Carlos Rabassa
> Voluntario
> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> Try
> Holder include: Camera's lastframe copy
> - Bert -
> On 05.02.2011, at 19:01, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
> Texto en Espa?ol luego del Ingl?s
> An Etoys user has contacted us for help.
> This is what he wants to do:
> - Take pictures with and XO at regular intervals,  let?s say every 10 minutes.
> - Use a series of these pictures to put together an animation,  the final result being something like this:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
> He wants to work with Etoys,  not Smalltalk.
> He has been trying to use
> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
> to write a script to take the periodic pictures.
> He would like to move the pictures to a holder to do the animation.
> Instead of getting the pictures he is getting just a tile called
> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
> Your advice would be appreciated.
> Texto en Espa?ol:
> Nos ha contactado un usuario de Etoys pidiendo ayuda.
> Esto es lo que quiere hacer:
> - Tomar fotos con la XO a intervalos regulares,  digamos cada 10 minutos.
> - Usar una serie de estas fotos para juntarlas en una animaci?n logrando un resultado de este tipo:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
> Desea trabajar en Etoys, no Smalltalk.
> Ha estado tratando de usar
> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
> para escribir un gui?n para tomar las fotos peri?dicas.
> Le gustar?a mover luego las fotos a un contenedor para hacer la animaci?n.
> En vez de las fotos le est? apareciendo un mosaico titulado
> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
> Los consejos de ustedes ser?n apreciados.
> Carlos Rabassa
> Voluntario
> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
> <Captura de pantalla.png>

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[IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys

Carlos Rabassa
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg


When something is not working there is nothing better than a clear answer like yours together with a request for help.

There are plenty of other areas where we,  users,  can focus our energy,  while those who enjoy writing complex code work on solutions to help the whole community.

Hope a lot of volunteers answer your "Help Welcome" sign.

They will be helping you and all of us.

Thanks again!!

Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Feb 8, 2011, at 9:18 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> The camera object only works on the XO-1 so far. There has been work to support it on more machines, but so far that has not been finished. Help welcome.
> - Bert -
> On 07.02.2011, at 20:13, Carlos Rabassa <carnen at mac.com> wrote:
>> Bert,
>> thanks for your answer.
>> I believe I wrote the necessary scripts to get the computer to take pictures at regular intervals and automatically prepare an animation,  based on those pictures,  to get a result hopefully like this:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> We still have one problem for which we need help.
>> Neither me using Etoys in a Mac,  nor the person who asked me to post the question,  using Etoys in Windows,  can get the computer?s camera to respond to the Etoys commands in the video section of the camera visor.
>> These are the scripts we created,  while we aren?t able to activate the camera:
>> Dragging the camera object out of the Object Catalog,  I get a blue frame with a working clock on it.
>> Imagine please,  until we resolve the problem of activating the camera,  that the animation I want to create consists of a series of still pictures of this clock taken at regular intervals.
>> Please find attached what I have done:
>> <Animation from Camera.001.pr>
>> I adjusted the clock in the takePics script to take the photos automatically at regular intervals.
>> I set it at 0.01 ticks per second which resulted in one photo every 1min 40sec as you can see in the clock photos already in the holder.
>> For the animation script I set the clock at 1 tick per second to be able to see the difference between each frame.
>> Carlos Rabassa
>> Voluntario
>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>> Montevideo, Uruguay
>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>> Try
>>> Holder include: Camera's lastframe copy
>>> - Bert -
>>> On 05.02.2011, at 19:01, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
>>>> Texto en Espa?ol luego del Ingl?s
>>>> An Etoys user has contacted us for help.
>>>> This is what he wants to do:
>>>> - Take pictures with and XO at regular intervals,  let?s say every 10 minutes.
>>>> - Use a series of these pictures to put together an animation,  the final result being something like this:
>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>>>> He wants to work with Etoys,  not Smalltalk.
>>>> He has been trying to use
>>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>>> to write a script to take the periodic pictures.
>>>> He would like to move the pictures to a holder to do the animation.
>>>> Instead of getting the pictures he is getting just a tile called
>>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>>> Your advice would be appreciated.
>>>> Texto en Espa?ol:
>>>> Nos ha contactado un usuario de Etoys pidiendo ayuda.
>>>> Esto es lo que quiere hacer:
>>>> - Tomar fotos con la XO a intervalos regulares,  digamos cada 10 minutos.
>>>> - Usar una serie de estas fotos para juntarlas en una animaci?n logrando un resultado de este tipo:
>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>>>> Desea trabajar en Etoys, no Smalltalk.
>>>> Ha estado tratando de usar
>>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>>> para escribir un gui?n para tomar las fotos peri?dicas.
>>>> Le gustar?a mover luego las fotos a un contenedor para hacer la animaci?n.
>>>> En vez de las fotos le est? apareciendo un mosaico titulado
>>>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>>>> Los consejos de ustedes ser?n apreciados.
>>>> Carlos Rabassa
>>>> Voluntario
>>>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>>>> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
>>>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

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[etoys-america-latina] [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido deAyuda Etoys

Carlos Rabassa
In reply to this post by Carlos Rabassa

Muito obrigado.

> e gostaria de publicar.

Certamente n?s gostar?amos de ver os seus projectos..

Squeakland tem dois f?runs:


Espa?ol / Portugu?s / Portuniol como eu.



Voc?, ? um Squeaker?


Passos para registrar:



Showcase para Todos

Esta se??o mostra projetos de todos usu?rios. Sinta-se a vontade para compartilhar seus projetos!


At? breve,

Carlos Rabassa
Ceibal Rede de Apoio
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Osvaldino wrote:

> Prezado Sr. Carlos Rabassa.
> Achei muito interessante a montagem obtidas por c?mera e editadas a posteriori.
> Fiz isso recentemente utilizando Squeak-etoys e gostaria de publicar.
> Poderia informar qual os passos para publica??o no sitio squeakland?
> Atenciosamente
> Osvaldino
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Carlos Rabassa
> To: Pato Acevedo
> Cc: america-latina at squeakland.org ; squeakland.org mailing list ; voluntarios y administradores OLPC para usuarios docentes
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 6:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [etoys-america-latina] [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido deAyuda Etoys
> Pato,
> qu? bueno o?r esto.
> Acabo de recibir este enlace de un compa?ero de estudios,  Pedro Vilanova.
> http://www.structura.com.uy/Content/news/show?id=131711
> En la ?ltima l?nea del art?culo hay un enlace al video del tipo "time lapse" que parece aprendimos a hacer.
> Es un ejemplo muy claro de algo que podr?n hacer los ni?os con la nueva t?cnica.
> Yo creo dominar la t?cnica para hacer el video pero a?n no logro inclu?r instrucciones en el gui?n para que la c?mara se ponga a funcionar en mi computadora no-XO.
> Hay algunas instrucciones bastante obvias pero no me funcionan ni al hacer click en el signo de interrogaci?n ni al inclu?rlas en el gui?n.
> ?Has logrado esto tambi?n o has conseguido el buen resultado usando una XO?
> Carlos Rabassa
> Voluntario
> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
> Montevideo, Uruguay
> On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:29 AM, Pato Acevedo wrote:
>> Hola a todos:
>> La captura de fotogramas desde Etoys en la xo ya est? trabajando.  Agradezco  a Bert y Carlos  por la colaboraci?n.
>> Pato Acevedo
>> SugarLabs Chile
>> From: carnen at mac.com
>> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys
>> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 21:14:14 +0100
>> To: patitoacevedo at hotmail.com
>> Pato,
>> que quieres decir con perfecto,  ?lograste hacer funcionar la c?mara?
>> Carlos
>> On Feb 7, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Pato Acevedo wrote:
>> Carlos, eso  trabaja perfecto.
>> Gracias por tu apoyo
>> Pato Acevedo
>> Subject: Re: [IAEP] Etoys Help Requested / Pedido de Ayuda Etoys
>> From: carnen at mac.com
>> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 20:13:45 +0100
>> CC: iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org; patitoacevedo at hotmail.com; squeakland at squeakland.org; america-latina at squeakland.org
>> To: bert at freudenbergs.de
>> Bert,
>> thanks for your answer.
>> I believe I wrote the necessary scripts to get the computer to take pictures at regular intervals and automatically prepare an animation,  based on those pictures,  to get a result hopefully like this:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> We still have one problem for which we need help.
>> Neither me using Etoys in a Mac,  nor the person who asked me to post the question,  using Etoys in Windows,  can get the computer?s camera to respond to the Etoys commands in the video section of the camera visor.
>> These are the scripts we created,  while we aren?t able to activate the camera:
>> Dragging the camera object out of the Object Catalog,  I get a blue frame with a working clock on it.
>> Imagine please,  until we resolve the problem of activating the camera,  that the animation I want to create consists of a series of still pictures of this clock taken at regular intervals.
>> Please find attached what I have done:
>> I adjusted the clock in the takePics script to take the photos automatically at regular intervals.
>> I set it at 0.01 ticks per second which resulted in one photo every 1min 40sec as you can see in the clock photos already in the holder.
>> For the animation script I set the clock at 1 tick per second to be able to see the difference between each frame.
>> Carlos Rabassa
>> Voluntario
>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>> Montevideo, Uruguay
>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> Try
>> Holder include: Camera's lastframe copy
>> - Bert -
>> On 05.02.2011, at 19:01, Carlos Rabassa wrote:
>> Texto en Espa?ol luego del Ingl?s
>> An Etoys user has contacted us for help.
>> This is what he wants to do:
>> - Take pictures with and XO at regular intervals,  let?s say every 10 minutes.
>> - Use a series of these pictures to put together an animation,  the final result being something like this:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> He wants to work with Etoys,  not Smalltalk.
>> He has been trying to use
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> to write a script to take the periodic pictures.
>> He would like to move the pictures to a holder to do the animation.
>> Instead of getting the pictures he is getting just a tile called
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> Your advice would be appreciated.
>> Texto en Espa?ol:
>> Nos ha contactado un usuario de Etoys pidiendo ayuda.
>> Esto es lo que quiere hacer:
>> - Tomar fotos con la XO a intervalos regulares,  digamos cada 10 minutos.
>> - Usar una serie de estas fotos para juntarlas en una animaci?n logrando un resultado de este tipo:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cl0aw87LqA
>> Desea trabajar en Etoys, no Smalltalk.
>> Ha estado tratando de usar
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> para escribir un gui?n para tomar las fotos peri?dicas.
>> Le gustar?a mover luego las fotos a un contenedor para hacer la animaci?n.
>> En vez de las fotos le est? apareciendo un mosaico titulado
>> ?Camera?s? Lastframe? graphic?
>> Los consejos de ustedes ser?n apreciados.
>> Carlos Rabassa
>> Voluntario
>> Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
>> _______________________________________________
>> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
>> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
>> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep
>> <Captura de pantalla.png>
> _______________________________________________
> america-latina mailing list
> america-latina at squeakland.org
> http://lists.squeakland.org/mailman/listinfo/america-latina
> Nenhum v?rus encontrado nessa mensagem.
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