[IAEP] Plan Ceibal y/and General Electric

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[IAEP] Plan Ceibal y/and General Electric

Carlos Rabassa
Texto en Espa?ol despu?s del Ingl?s

Dear Dr. Kay,

Thanks for honoring my message with your reply.

I am one of your most enthusiastic fans and promoters of Etoys and other applications used here by Plan Ceibal.

The most important point I tried to make got lost in my long message.

I see a problem in Uruguay:

I see too many teachers, relatives of schoolchildren and volunteers,  concerned about learning Linux/Sugar.

That is good but,

it is difficult, particularly after after teaching class all day,  to study Linux/Sugar and still have enough time and energy left to take full advantage of all the educational applications such as Etoys pre-installed in the XOs.

These wonderful applications have been written by the best teams of computer scientists and teachers in the world, and are ready and well debugged, waiting to be used extensively.

Your comments on this problem could mean invaluable help to many of us here in Uruguay and around the world.


Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay

Texto en Espa?ol:

Apreciado Dr. Kay,

Gracias por honrar mi mensaje con su respuesta.

Soy uno de sus m?s entusiastas admiradores y promotor de Etoys y otras aplicaciones usadas aqu? por Plan Ceibal.

El punto m?s importante que trat? de expresar,  se perdi? en mi largo mensaje.

Veo un problema en Uruguay:

Veo a demasiados maestros, familiares y voluntarios,  preocupados por aprender Linux/Sugar.

Eso es bueno pero,

es dif?cil,  especialmente despu?s de ense?ar todo el d?a,  estudiar Linux/Sugar y todav?a tener suficiente tiempo y energ?a para sacar todo el provecho posible a todas las aplicaciones educativas,  tales como Etoys,  pre-instaladas en las XOs.

Estas maravillosas aplicaciones han sido escritas por los mejores equipos de cient?ficos de la computaci?n y maestros del mundo,  y est?n listos y bien depurados,  esperando para que se usen extensivamente.

Sus comentarios sobre este problema ser?an de una ayuda invalorable para muchos de nosotros aqu? en Uruguay y en el resto del mundo.


Carlos Rabassa
Red de Apoyo al Plan Ceibal
Montevideo, Uruguay

On Jan 30, 2011, at 4:21 PM, Alan Kay wrote:

> GE is being congratulated for recognizing that the iPhone and iPad are pretty good ideas and technological realizations. But isn't this like the congratulations Bill Gates got for finally recognizing the Internet (about 25 years after it had started working)?
> Seems as though Apple had a lot more on the ball than Bill Gates or GE here (they used to do computing in the 60s, but couldn't see what it was).
> And most of the ideas at Apple (and for personal computing and the Internet) came from research funding that no company or government has been willing to do since 1982.
> Cheers,
> Alan
> From: Carlos Rabassa <carnen at mac.com>
> To: america-latina at squeakland.org; squeakland.org mailing list <squeakland at squeakland.org>; Maho 2010 <maho at realness.org>; IAEP SugarLabs <iaep at lists.sugarlabs.org>; voluntarios y administradores OLPC para usuarios docentes <olpc-sur at lists.laptop.org>; olpc bolivia <olpc-bolivia at lists.laptop.org>; OLPC Puno <olpcpuno at gmail.com>
> Sent: Sun, January 30, 2011 4:11:49 AM
> Subject: [IAEP] Plan Ceibal y/and General Electric
> We try to learn from those who have succeed for a long time:
> https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1XWm2q8nQ-l5KUJ_PWkQruLDx-nZ7nsKDfg4idDlsU50
> Carlos Rabassa
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
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