Working side to side with Cuis, SqueakLightII and MinimalMorphic I found:
SystemOrganization classifyAll: #(#PluggableTabButtonMorph
#DropDownChoiceMorph #LedTimerMorph #TickIndicatorMorph #SimpleSwitchMorph
#DumberMenuMorph #PluggableMultiColumnListMorphByItem
#FloatingBookControlsMorph #BasicButton #PianoRollScoreMorph #ListComponent
#EToyProjectDetailsMorph #StringButtonMorph #CircleMorph #ScaleMorph
#FunctionComponent #PrintComponent #SquishedNameMorph #FlexMorph
#ClickExerciser #TransitionMorph) under: 'Morphic-NotInCuis'.
(MCPackage named: 'Morphic-NotInCuis') unload.
So what¹s the criteria?
Morph allSubclasses in all.
List of classes with allCallsOn size = 0 and allSubclasses size = 0
And manual select some sure at some time you need.
Anyway, both SqueakLightII and MinimalMorphic could load classes from
repository if need to know 3.10 don¹t have .mp3 and .mpg play right ? And how you have this
again ?
The .mov shows the pre-alpha of this, how drag and drop a .morph coming from
any 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10 image and asking to reload ³missed² classes from
No need of know nothing about Monticello or repositories...