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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Bert Freudenberg
On 27.11.2014, at 02:23, Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 11/26/2014 7:14 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about - so here's another:
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be the answer?
>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
> snip
>> Levente
> Then why does Dictionary>>keys return an Array? Where does the order come from in that example?
> Similarly, where does the order come from when you invoke collect:as: on a set with Array as an argument?
> The answer is quite simple: it is the iteration order. collect: is part of the _iteration_ protocol.
> I agree with Frank here, for me a more important aspect of collect: is preserving the _mapping_ between the original
> elements and the collected values.
> There is no obvious mapping if there are fewer collected values than elements.
> Florin
I agree. The order is unimportant, it's a Set after all. What *is* important is getting a collection of the same size back - by default. For other needs we have collect:as:.

- Bert -

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AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

( Set withAll: #( 1 -1 )) collect: [  : e | e abs ] a Set(1)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Bert
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 08:57
An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

On 27.11.2014, at 02:23, Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 11/26/2014 7:14 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about
- so here's another:
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be
the answer?
>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
> snip
>> Levente
> Then why does Dictionary>>keys return an Array? Where does the order come
from in that example?
> Similarly, where does the order come from when you invoke collect:as: on a
set with Array as an argument?
> The answer is quite simple: it is the iteration order. collect: is part of
the _iteration_ protocol.
> I agree with Frank here, for me a more important aspect of collect: is
preserving the _mapping_ between the original
> elements and the collected values.
> There is no obvious mapping if there are fewer collected values than
> Florin

I agree. The order is unimportant, it's a Set after all. What *is* important
is getting a collection of the same size back - by default. For other needs
we have collect:as:.

- Bert -

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Re: AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Nicolas Cellier
In reply to this post by Florin Mateoc-4
In st-80, the keys did answer a Set and the values a Bag, with no obvious mapping between these two order-wise.
In Squeak, there were historically a fasterKeys that did answer an Array in order to avoid the overhead of testing uniqueness of keys and to avoid rehashing the keys...
Then we decided to simplify everything by answering an Array for both keys and values with the guaranty that (self at: (self keys at: i)) == (self values at: i) for any i from 1 to keys size...
But it's just a conveniency, it was not intended to be generalized...
Also, keep in mind that the order may change at any time with the mutations of the Dictionary...

2014-11-27 2:23 GMT+01:00 Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]>:
On 11/26/2014 7:14 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about - so here's another:
> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be the answer?
> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
> Levente

Then why does Dictionary>>keys return an Array? Where does the order come from in that example?
Similarly, where does the order come from when you invoke collect:as: on a set with Array as an argument?
The answer is quite simple: it is the iteration order. collect: is part of the _iteration_ protocol.

I agree with Frank here, for me a more important aspect of collect: is preserving the _mapping_ between the original
elements and the collected values.
There is no obvious mapping if there are fewer collected values than elements.


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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Nicolas Cellier
In reply to this post by frank.lesser

2014-11-27 9:21 GMT+01:00 Frank Lesser <[hidden email]>:
( Set withAll: #( 1 -1 )) collect: [  : e | e abs ] a Set(1)

IMO, these snippets have no sense...
In somes cases, we will want to preserve uniqueness, in some cases we will want to preserve the size...
#collect:as: answers to most use cases, explicitely.

Answering an Array is a bit against the current trend which is to preserve as far as possible the collection properties when selecting/collecting.
For example, Dictionary collect: now answer a Dictionary, what it did not in the past.
In most cases (except maybe Interval) this is possible when selecting, but not necessarily when collecting due to restrictions on element type (ByteArray WordArray String IdentitySet...), or due to Identity or non weak-references properties that have absolutely no guaranty to be preserved once transformed.
Note that #species was originally used for both selecting and collecting, but we started to distinguish these two, that might be the reason for the current non-uniformity of its usage.
Some collection change of species when collecting, some other just fail, obviously because we expect aString collect: #asUppercase to answer a String, not an Array...
In all these cases, collect:as: is a generic answer.

Anyway, a 1-to-1 mapping with something unordered is quite useless...
How are we going to map elements of the transformed collection with the original?
We cannot iterate like this: (aSet with: anOrderedCollection do: [:a :b | ]), nor with a Stream or any sequenceable protocol on an unordered collection.

The only guaranty you have is that the block will be evaluated once with each item (if there is no block return or exception raised...).
Even this expectation might be questionable, I once suggested to iterate only once per different value in a Bag, or once per run in a RunArray when collecting/selecting...
i did not, because too many code rely on the side effects like
   | i |
   i := 0. aSet collect: [:each | i := i + 1. each transformWithRank: i].
IMO, this is bad style.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Bert
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 08:57
An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

On 27.11.2014, at 02:23, Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 11/26/2014 7:14 PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about
- so here's another:
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be
the answer?
>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
> snip
>> Levente
> Then why does Dictionary>>keys return an Array? Where does the order come
from in that example?
> Similarly, where does the order come from when you invoke collect:as: on a
set with Array as an argument?
> The answer is quite simple: it is the iteration order. collect: is part of
the _iteration_ protocol.
> I agree with Frank here, for me a more important aspect of collect: is
preserving the _mapping_ between the original
> elements and the collected values.
> There is no obvious mapping if there are fewer collected values than
> Florin

I agree. The order is unimportant, it's a Set after all. What *is* important
is getting a collection of the same size back - by default. For other needs
we have collect:as:.

- Bert -

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Re: [Pharo-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Marcus Denker-4
In reply to this post by Marcus Denker-4

> On 27 Nov 2014, at 08:21, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 26 Nov 2014, at 19:19, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>    IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.  Anyone else agree this is a serious bug?  Anyone else disagree?
>> WTF??
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 2 3 1.0 2.0 3.0)) collect: [:e| e] a Set(1.0 2 3)
> Yes, I would say so. I think we fixed some others like that already (not 100% sure)
> I added an issue tracker entry
> 14535 IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.

#collect: directly uses Set in Set>>#collect, I committed a fix (to the issue tracker, to be reviewed)
to use “self species” instead (plus the example from above as a test in IdentitySetTest).


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Re: [Pharo-dev] [squeak-dev] Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Marcus Denker-4

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 28 Nov 2014, at 15:35, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27 Nov 2014, at 08:21, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2014, at 19:19, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>   IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.  Anyone else agree this is a serious bug?  Anyone else disagree?
>>> WTF??
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 2 3 1.0 2.0 3.0)) collect: [:e| e] a Set(1.0 2 3)
>> Yes, I would say so. I think we fixed some others like that already (not 100% sure)
>> I added an issue tracker entry
>> 14535        IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.
> #collect: directly uses Set in Set>>#collect, I committed a fix (to the issue tracker, to be reviewed)
> to use “self species” instead (plus the example from above as a test in IdentitySetTest).
>       Marcus

I think that is the most logical thing to do, it is what I would expect.

I know others have cases where that is not really what you want (some of Set's subclasses are pretty special), but it is still a good default, while #collect:as: can be used for all other cases (and subclasses can override #species again if they want).

Hmm... errors found by the test runner on that change.

So we will need to check... 

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Re: [Pharo-dev] [squeak-dev] Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Nicolai Hess
2014-11-28 16:39 GMT+01:00 Marcus Denker <[hidden email]>:

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 28 Nov 2014, at 15:35, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27 Nov 2014, at 08:21, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2014, at 19:19, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>   IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.  Anyone else agree this is a serious bug?  Anyone else disagree?
>>> WTF??
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 2 3 1.0 2.0 3.0)) collect: [:e| e] a Set(1.0 2 3)
>> Yes, I would say so. I think we fixed some others like that already (not 100% sure)
>> I added an issue tracker entry
>> 14535        IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.
> #collect: directly uses Set in Set>>#collect, I committed a fix (to the issue tracker, to be reviewed)
> to use “self species” instead (plus the example from above as a test in IdentitySetTest).
>       Marcus

I think that is the most logical thing to do, it is what I would expect.

I know others have cases where that is not really what you want (some of Set's subclasses are pretty special), but it is still a good default, while #collect:as: can be used for all other cases (and subclasses can override #species again if they want).

Hmm... errors found by the test runner on that change.

So we will need to check... 

In pharo, the problem is the OCKeyedSet, but the same happens in squeak with a KeyedSet.
Changing Set>>#collect: to use "self species new" the following code fails:

k:=KeyedSet new keyBlock:[:e | e name].
k addAll:{ Color red . Color blue . Color green}.
k collect:[:e | e ].
--> MessageNotUnderstood: Color>>key

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Re: [Pharo-dev] [squeak-dev] Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi Nicolai,

On Nov 28, 2014, at 4:01 PM, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:

2014-11-28 16:39 GMT+01:00 Marcus Denker <[hidden email]>:

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 28 Nov 2014, at 15:35, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 27 Nov 2014, at 08:21, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2014, at 19:19, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>   IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.  Anyone else agree this is a serious bug?  Anyone else disagree?
>>> WTF??
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 2 3 1.0 2.0 3.0)) collect: [:e| e] a Set(1.0 2 3)
>> Yes, I would say so. I think we fixed some others like that already (not 100% sure)
>> I added an issue tracker entry
>> 14535        IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, not an IdentitySet.
> #collect: directly uses Set in Set>>#collect, I committed a fix (to the issue tracker, to be reviewed)
> to use “self species” instead (plus the example from above as a test in IdentitySetTest).
>       Marcus

I think that is the most logical thing to do, it is what I would expect.

I know others have cases where that is not really what you want (some of Set's subclasses are pretty special), but it is still a good default, while #collect:as: can be used for all other cases (and subclasses can override #species again if they want).

Hmm... errors found by the test runner on that change.

So we will need to check... 

In pharo, the problem is the OCKeyedSet, but the same happens in squeak with a KeyedSet.
Changing Set>>#collect: to use "self species new" the following code fails:

k:=KeyedSet new keyBlock:[:e | e name].
k addAll:{ Color red . Color blue . Color green}.
k collect:[:e | e ].
--> MessageNotUnderstood: Color>>key

And if you implement species in KeyedSet to answer Set (which should fix this one issue) does anything else break?

Eliot (phone)

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Re: AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by David T. Lewis
The problem with changing #species is that it's overused. There are at
least three different things it's used for in the Collection hierarchy:
- the class of the object returned by #collect: (Set's subclasses are the
exception since 2000 or so, except for WeakSet, but that's really
strange, and should revisited)
- the class of the object returned by #select: and friends
- the class used for comparison of collections

HashedCollection >> #select: uses #species. Changing IdentitySet
>> #species to return a Set would break #select:, because a ~~ b doesn't
imply a ~= b. IdentitySet is the optimal class for the return value of
IdentitySet >> #select:, because it's guaranteed to be able to hold all
selected values. I think the same applies to all other kind of sets (and
collections, because #select: is simply reducing the number of elements).

This is not the first time this discussion comes up. There was one in
2003[1], but the thread is hard to follow. And there was one in 2009[2].
I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is,
because there's no better way to do it.
Sure, we could use #species in #collect:, but it would break quite a lot
of stuff. For example:

| k |
k := KeyedSet keyBlock: [ :each | each first ].
k add: #[1]; add: #[2].
k collect: [ :each | each size ]

Currently this snippet returns "a Set(1)". Using #species in #collect:
(via #copyEmpty) one would get an error, because SmallInteger does not
understand #first. Changing the #species of KeyedSet would break #select:.

So IMHO when you #collect: from a set, you should always use #collect:as:.
Here is a (partial) list of methods which send #collect: to a Set:

Categorizer >> #changeFromCategorySpecs:
ClassFactoryForTestCase >> #createdClassNames
Dictionary >> #unreferencedKeys
MCDependencySorterTest >> #assertItems:orderAs:withRequired:toLoad:extraProvisions:
MessageNode >> #analyseTempsWithin:rootNode:assignmentPools:
MethodNode >> #referencedValuesWithinBlockExtent:
SetTest >> #testCollect
SetWithNilTest >> #runSetWithNilTestOf:

There are probably many more, but we should fix all of them. A static
analyzer could help a lot.



On Wed, 26 Nov 2014, David T. Lewis wrote:

> It seems to me that Object>>species is intended to handle this sort of issue.
> For IdentitySet, it answers what Eliot was expecting:
>   IdentitySet new species ==> IdentitySet
>   Set new species ==> Set
> However, IdentitySet>>collect: does not make use of this, and it answers
> a Set for the reasons that Levente explained.
> Answering an Array or and OrderedCollection would not really make sense,
> because sets are unordered collections (but Bag might be better).
> Shouldn't we have an implementation of IdentitySet>>species that answers
> Set (or Bag), with a method comment explaining why this is the case, and
> with all of the collection methods using #species to answer the right
> kind of result?
> I note that IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, but IdentitySet>select:
> sends #species and therefore answers an IdentitySet.
> So I think that if we want the #species of an IdentitySet to be a Set,
> then we should make it so, and give it a method comment to explain the
> rationale. And the #collect: and #select: methods should both answer a
> result of that #species.
> Dave
> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 01:14:30AM +0100, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about -
>> so here's another:
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be the
>> answer?
>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
>> If you really want to have the resulting collection have the same size,
>> but avoid the problem with ordering, then what you really need is a Bag.
>> Luckily you can have whatever you want (as long as it makes sense):
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Set.
>> "==> a Set(1)"
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>> IdentitySet.
>> "==> an IdentitySet(1)"
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>> Array.
>> "==> #(1 1)"
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>> OrderedCollection.
>> "==> an OrderedCollection(1 1)."
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Bag.
>> "==> a Bag(1 1)"
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>> IdentityBag.
>> "==> an IdentityBag(1 1)"
>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>> Heap.
>> "==> a Heap(1 1)"
>> Levente
>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Frank Lesser wrote:
>>> Hi Tobias,
>>> agree, a problem of "OrderedCollection"
>>> not to break a lot of other things we could return an Array.
>>> but for me collecting has priority.
>>> Frank
>>> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: [hidden email]
>>> [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von
>>> Tobias
>>> Pape
>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 00:48
>>> An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>> Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:
>>> On 27.11.2014, at 00:34, Frank Lesser <[hidden email]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> hmm, not convinced
>>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [:e| e asInteger ]
>>>> OrderedCollection(1 1 )
>>>> in LSWVST ( one-to-one ), you collect results of evaluating a block on
>>>> objects.
>>>> Frank
>>>> maybe I am wrong ...
>>> Where would the order come from for that _Ordered_Collection?
>>> Best
>>> -Tobias

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Re: AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Ben Coman
Levente Uzonyi wrote:
> The problem with changing #species is that it's overused. There are at
> least three different things it's used for in the Collection hierarchy:
> - the class of the object returned by #collect: (Set's subclasses are
> the exception since 2000 or so, except for WeakSet, but that's really
> strange, and should revisited)
> - the class of the object returned by #select: and friends
> - the class used for comparison of collections

So should there be #collectSpecies ?
Which defaults to "^self species" and is overidden as required.

In the case of Sets, you start with an "unordered collection without
duplicates", but since #collect can introduce duplicates, you end up
with "an unordered collection with duplicates" --> Bag (per Dave's

So I think its reasonable that the following two snippets should produce
the same result.

oc := OrderedCollection newFrom: #( 1 2 3 4 5 ).
(oc collect: [ :e | e even ]) occurrencesOf:  true. "--> 2"

s := Set newFrom: #( 1 2 3 4 5 ).
(s collect: [ :e | e even ]) occurrencesOf:  true.  "--> 2"

which you get with the following change...


Set>>collect: aBlock
        | result |
        result := self collectSpecies new: self size.
        array do: [:each | each ifNotNil: [result add: (aBlock value: each
        ^ result

> HashedCollection >> #select: uses #species. Changing IdentitySet
>>> #species to return a Set would break #select:, because a ~~ b doesn't
> imply a ~= b. IdentitySet is the optimal class for the return value of
> IdentitySet >> #select:, because it's guaranteed to be able to hold all
> selected values. I think the same applies to all other kind of sets (and
> collections, because #select: is simply reducing the number of elements).
> This is not the first time this discussion comes up. There was one in
> 2003[1], but the thread is hard to follow. And there was one in 2009[2].
> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it
> is, because there's no better way to do it.
> Sure, we could use #species in #collect:, but it would break quite a lot
> of stuff. For example:
> | k |
> k := KeyedSet keyBlock: [ :each | each first ].
> k add: #[1]; add: #[2].
> k collect: [ :each | each size ]

That works with the above change to produce --> a Bag(1 1)

> Currently this snippet returns "a Set(1)". Using #species in #collect:
> (via #copyEmpty) one would get an error, because SmallInteger does not
> understand #first. Changing the #species of KeyedSet would break #select:.
> So IMHO when you #collect: from a set, you should always use
> #collect:as:. Here is a (partial) list of methods which send #collect:
> to a Set:
> Categorizer >> #changeFromCategorySpecs:
> ClassFactoryForTestCase >> #createdClassNames
> Dictionary >> #unreferencedKeys
> MCDependencySorterTest >>
> #assertItems:orderAs:withRequired:toLoad:extraProvisions:
> MessageNode >> #analyseTempsWithin:rootNode:assignmentPools:
> MethodNode >> #referencedValuesWithinBlockExtent:
> SetTest >> #testCollect
> SetWithNilTest >> #runSetWithNilTestOf:
> There are probably many more, but we should fix all of them. A static
> analyzer could help a lot.
> Levente
> [1]
> [2]
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2014, David T. Lewis wrote:
>> It seems to me that Object>>species is intended to handle this sort of
>> issue.
>> For IdentitySet, it answers what Eliot was expecting:
>>   IdentitySet new species ==> IdentitySet
>>   Set new species ==> Set
>> However, IdentitySet>>collect: does not make use of this, and it answers
>> a Set for the reasons that Levente explained.
>> Answering an Array or and OrderedCollection would not really make sense,
>> because sets are unordered collections (but Bag might be better).

Bag is better.

>> Shouldn't we have an implementation of IdentitySet>>species that answers
>> Set (or Bag), with a method comment explaining why this is the case, and
>> with all of the collection methods using #species to answer the right
>> kind of result?
>> I note that IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, but IdentitySet>select:
>> sends #species and therefore answers an IdentitySet.
>> So I think that if we want the #species of an IdentitySet to be a Set,
>> then we should make it so, and give it a method comment to explain the
>> rationale. And the #collect: and #select: methods should both answer a
>> result of that #species.

I think the species of #collect: and #select: are intrinsically
different. #collect: is a transformation.

>> Dave
>> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 01:14:30AM +0100, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking
>>> about -
>>> so here's another:
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would
>>> be the
>>> answer?
>>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?

-->  a Bag(SmallInteger Float)

>>> If you really want to have the resulting collection have the same size,
>>> but avoid the problem with ordering, then what you really need is a Bag.

To me that makes the most sense.

>>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Frank Lesser wrote:
>>>> Hi Tobias,
>>>> agree, a problem of "OrderedCollection"
>>>> not to break a lot of other things we could return an Array.
>>>> but for me collecting has priority.
>>>> Frank
>>>> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von: [hidden email]
>>>> [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von
>>>> Tobias
>>>> Pape
>>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 00:48
>>>> An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>>> Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:
>>>> On 27.11.2014, at 00:34, Frank Lesser
>>>> <[hidden email]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hmm, not convinced
>>>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [:e| e asInteger ]
>>>>> OrderedCollection(1 1 )
>>>>> in LSWVST ( one-to-one ), you collect results of evaluating a block on
>>>>> objects.
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> maybe I am wrong ...
>>>> Where would the order come from for that _Ordered_Collection?

An unordered OrderedCollection --> Bag

cheers -ben

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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2

On 28-11-2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.

There’s *always* a better way to do it. Somebody just has to think about it the right way.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

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Re: AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Nicolas Cellier
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2

2014-11-29 3:05 GMT+01:00 Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]>:
The problem with changing #species is that it's overused. There are at least three different things it's used for in the Collection hierarchy:
- the class of the object returned by #collect: (Set's subclasses are the exception since 2000 or so, except for WeakSet, but that's really strange, and should revisited)
- the class of the object returned by #select: and friends
- the class used for comparison of collections

HashedCollection >> #select: uses #species. Changing IdentitySet
#species to return a Set would break #select:, because a ~~ b doesn't
imply a ~= b. IdentitySet is the optimal class for the return value of IdentitySet >> #select:, because it's guaranteed to be able to hold all selected values. I think the same applies to all other kind of sets (and collections, because #select: is simply reducing the number of elements).

This is not the first time this discussion comes up. There was one in 2003[1], but the thread is hard to follow. And there was one in 2009[2].
I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.
Sure, we could use #species in #collect:, but it would break quite a lot of stuff. For example:

| k |
k := KeyedSet keyBlock: [ :each | each first ].
k add: #[1]; add: #[2].
k collect: [ :each | each size ]

Currently this snippet returns "a Set(1)". Using #species in #collect: (via #copyEmpty) one would get an error, because SmallInteger does not understand #first. Changing the #species of KeyedSet would break #select:.

IMO select: should NOT use species, because most of the time we can select: in same class (but maybe in case of Interval).
So IMHO when you #collect: from a set, you should always use #collect:as:. Here is a (partial) list of methods which send #collect: to a Set:

Categorizer >> #changeFromCategorySpecs:
ClassFactoryForTestCase >> #createdClassNames
Dictionary >> #unreferencedKeys
MCDependencySorterTest >> #assertItems:orderAs:withRequired:toLoad:extraProvisions:
MessageNode >> #analyseTempsWithin:rootNode:assignmentPools:
MethodNode >> #referencedValuesWithinBlockExtent:
SetTest >> #testCollect
SetWithNilTest >> #runSetWithNilTestOf:

There are probably many more, but we should fix all of them. A static analyzer could help a lot.



On Wed, 26 Nov 2014, David T. Lewis wrote:

It seems to me that Object>>species is intended to handle this sort of issue.

For IdentitySet, it answers what Eliot was expecting:

  IdentitySet new species ==> IdentitySet
  Set new species ==> Set

However, IdentitySet>>collect: does not make use of this, and it answers
a Set for the reasons that Levente explained.

Answering an Array or and OrderedCollection would not really make sense,
because sets are unordered collections (but Bag might be better).

Shouldn't we have an implementation of IdentitySet>>species that answers
Set (or Bag), with a method comment explaining why this is the case, and
with all of the collection methods using #species to answer the right
kind of result?

I note that IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, but IdentitySet>select:
sends #species and therefore answers an IdentitySet.

So I think that if we want the #species of an IdentitySet to be a Set,
then we should make it so, and give it a method comment to explain the
rationale. And the #collect: and #select: methods should both answer a
result of that #species.


On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 01:14:30AM +0100, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about -
so here's another:

(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]

If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be the

{ SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?

If you really want to have the resulting collection have the same size,
but avoid the problem with ordering, then what you really need is a Bag.
Luckily you can have whatever you want (as long as it makes sense):

(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Set.
"==> a Set(1)"
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
"==> an IdentitySet(1)"
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
"==> #(1 1)"
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
"==> an OrderedCollection(1 1)."
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Bag.
"==> a Bag(1 1)"
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
"==> an IdentityBag(1 1)"
(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
"==> a Heap(1 1)"


On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Frank Lesser wrote:

Hi Tobias,
agree, a problem of "OrderedCollection"
not to break a lot of other things we could return an Array.
but for me collecting has priority.

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 00:48
An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

On 27.11.2014, at 00:34, Frank Lesser <[hidden email]>

hmm, not convinced

(IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [:e| e asInteger ]
OrderedCollection(1 1 )

in LSWVST ( one-to-one ), you collect results of evaluating a block on

maybe I am wrong ...

Where would the order come from for that _Ordered_Collection?


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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by timrowledge
On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, tim Rowledge wrote:

> On 28-11-2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.
> There’s *always* a better way to do it. Somebody just has to think about it the right way.

There are too many factors for a better solution to exist.
Let's say we change the method to return a Bag. Some will say it's better
that way, because the resulting collection has the same size as the
And some people will say that you broke their code, because the following
will return false instead of true:

| s t |
s := #(1 2 3) asSet.
t := s collect: [ :each | each ].
s = t

IMHO the best solution is still to replace sends of #collect: with
#collect:as:, but it's a lot of work.


> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
> It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Florin Mateoc-4
On 11/29/2014 9:55 AM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, tim Rowledge wrote:
>> On 28-11-2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.
>> There’s *always* a better way to do it. Somebody just has to think about it the right way.
> There are too many factors for a better solution to exist.
> Let's say we change the method to return a Bag. Some will say it's better that way, because the resulting collection
> has the same size as the original.
> And some people will say that you broke their code, because the following will return false instead of true:
> | s t |
> s := #(1 2 3) asSet.
> t := s collect: [ :each | each ].
> s = t
> IMHO the best solution is still to replace sends of #collect: with
> #collect:as:, but it's a lot of work.
> Levente

I don't understand why anybody would think s should be equal to t in this example.
collect:, or map as it is called in other languages, maps the elements in the receiver collection, to elements in the
result, based on the mapping function provided as a block argument.

Conceptually, collect: is closer to returning a keyedCollection (which is also called a map), where the keys are the
elements and the values are their mappings.
If we see it this way, it is obvious that the order of the original elements is irrelevant, it is also obvious that the
number of mapped values is/has to be the same as the number of elements (keys), and it is also obvious that the kind (or
species) of collection holding the original elements (keys) is also irrelevant to the kind of collection holding the
values. That's why always returning say an orderedCollection is fine, as long as we can map the collected values back to
the original elements - even using a (long-term unstable) iteration order.
When the original collection is a sequenceableCollection, we can shortcut all this by just relying on the indexes, which
index both the original elements and their mappings. But that is not because the original order is itself important for
the collect operation.


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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Chris Muller-3
On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Florin Mateoc <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 11/29/2014 9:55 AM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, tim Rowledge wrote:
>>> On 28-11-2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.
>>> There’s *always* a better way to do it. Somebody just has to think about it the right way.
>> There are too many factors for a better solution to exist.
>> Let's say we change the method to return a Bag. Some will say it's better that way, because the resulting collection
>> has the same size as the original.
>> And some people will say that you broke their code, because the following will return false instead of true:
>> | s t |
>> s := #(1 2 3) asSet.
>> t := s collect: [ :each | each ].
>> s = t
>> IMHO the best solution is still to replace sends of #collect: with
>> #collect:as:, but it's a lot of work.
>> Levente
> I don't understand why anybody would think s should be equal to t in this example.
> collect:, or map as it is called in other languages, maps the elements in the receiver collection, to elements in the
> result, based on the mapping function provided as a block argument.

I've never regarded collect as a mapping function, only a
transformation function.  If I want a map of the original to the
transformed, it doesn't need to be built into the collect: method
itself to do that:

#(1 2 3) collect: [ : each | each -> each asWords ].

There, you have a mapping without needing to change collect:.

> Conceptually, collect: is closer to returning a keyedCollection (which is also called a map), where the keys are the
> elements and the values are their mappings.
> If we see it this way, it is obvious that the order of the original elements is irrelevant, it is also obvious that the
> number of mapped values is/has to be the same as the number of elements (keys), and it is also obvious that the kind (or
> species) of collection holding the original elements (keys) is also irrelevant to the kind of collection holding the
> values. That's why always returning say an orderedCollection is fine, as long as we can map the collected values back to
> the original elements - even using a (long-term unstable) iteration order.
> When the original collection is a sequenceableCollection, we can shortcut all this by just relying on the indexes, which
> index both the original elements and their mappings. But that is not because the original order is itself important for
> the collect operation.

Perhaps we need an #asDictionary method to implement the "mapping"
use-case.  As far as #collect:, however, I find myself agreeing with
Levente.  #collect: is simply too entrenched to change on a whim.  It
appears that #collect:as: can address a variety of additional

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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 03:55:57PM +0100, Levente Uzonyi wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Nov 2014, tim Rowledge wrote:
> >
> >On 28-11-2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> >>I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is,
> >>because there's no better way to do it.
> >
> >There?s *always* a better way to do it. Somebody just has to think about
> >it the right way.
> There are too many factors for a better solution to exist.
> Let's say we change the method to return a Bag. Some will say it's better
> that way, because the resulting collection has the same size as the
> original.
> And some people will say that you broke their code, because the following
> will return false instead of true:
> | s t |
> s := #(1 2 3) asSet.
> t := s collect: [ :each | each ].
> s = t
> IMHO the best solution is still to replace sends of #collect: with
> #collect:as:, but it's a lot of work.

I like your argument for making it explicit. How about if we make it
explicit like this:

  anIdentitySet collect: [:e | ... ] as: Set

This would avoid the surprising behavior of having #collect: answer
a collection of size different from that of the original collection.


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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Colin Putney-3
In reply to this post by Chris Muller-3

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've never regarded collect as a mapping function, only a
transformation function. 

Yeah, I agree. I think the important features of #collect: are that (a) the result is the same type of collection as the original, and (b) the result contains all the the objects returned from the block. If the semantics of that particular collection lead to the result being a different size from the original, that's fine. It's also fine if there's no implicit mapping from the original to the result; if you need such a mapping, build a Dictionary, or at least a collection of Associations, as Chris suggests.

Keeping it simple will make it easy to predict what the particular behaviour of any #collect: implementation will be. 


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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Bert Freudenberg
On 29.11.2014, at 21:45, Colin Putney <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote:
I've never regarded collect as a mapping function, only a
transformation function. 

Yeah, I agree. I think the important features of #collect: are that (a) the result is the same type of collection as the original, and (b) the result contains all the the objects returned from the block.

How would you define “type” here? Same class?

If the semantics of that particular collection lead to the result being a different size from the original, that's fine. It's also fine if there's no implicit mapping from the original to the result; if you need such a mapping, build a Dictionary, or at least a collection of Associations, as Chris suggests.

Keeping it simple will make it easy to predict what the particular behaviour of any #collect: implementation will be. 


Maybe that’s the best we can strive for: predictability. We should be able to describe the result in simple words, for all collection classes.

- Bert -

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Re: AW: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by Levente Uzonyi-2
Hi Levente,

On Nov 28, 2014, at 6:05 PM, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> The problem with changing #species is that it's overused. There are at least three different things it's used for in the Collection hierarchy:
> - the class of the object returned by #collect: (Set's subclasses are the exception since 2000 or so, except for WeakSet, but that's really strange, and should revisited)
> - the class of the object returned by #select: and friends
> - the class used for comparison of collections

The first two are conceptually the same, and are the rationale for species.  I base that assessment on my experience with Smalltalk-80's collection library and derivatives.  species served to answer a mutable collection to hold the results of collect:, select: and reject:.  For example Interval, being a synthetic collection, cannot hold arbitrary results.  So it's species must be different (Array).

I don't see that collect:, select: and reject: are different use cases.

As far as comparison, that's johnny come lately.  In Smalltalk-80 for example Sets were incomparable, #= & hash being inherited from Object (I.e. #== & identityHash).  So species uses based on collect:, select: and reject: should have priority.

> HashedCollection >> #select: uses #species. Changing IdentitySet
>>> #species to return a Set would break #select:, because a ~~ b doesn't
> imply a ~= b. IdentitySet is the optimal class for the return value of IdentitySet >> #select:, because it's guaranteed to be able to hold all selected values. I think the same applies to all other kind of sets (and collections, because #select: is simply reducing the number of elements).
> This is not the first time this discussion comes up. There was one in 2003[1], but the thread is hard to follow. And there was one in 2009[2].
> I think the conclusion was that it's better to leave the method as it is, because there's no better way to do it.
> Sure, we could use #species in #collect:, but it would break quite a lot of stuff. For example:
> | k |
> k := KeyedSet keyBlock: [ :each | each first ].
> k add: #[1]; add: #[2].
> k collect: [ :each | each size ]
> Currently this snippet returns "a Set(1)". Using #species in #collect: (via #copyEmpty) one would get an error, because SmallInteger does not understand #first. Changing the #species of KeyedSet would break #select:.
> So IMHO when you #collect: from a set, you should always use #collect:as:. Here is a (partial) list of methods which send #collect: to a Set:
> Categorizer >> #changeFromCategorySpecs:
> ClassFactoryForTestCase >> #createdClassNames
> Dictionary >> #unreferencedKeys
> MCDependencySorterTest >> #assertItems:orderAs:withRequired:toLoad:extraProvisions:
> MessageNode >> #analyseTempsWithin:rootNode:assignmentPools:
> MethodNode >> #referencedValuesWithinBlockExtent:
> SetTest >> #testCollect
> SetWithNilTest >> #runSetWithNilTestOf:
> There are probably many more, but we should fix all of them. A static analyzer could help a lot.
> Levente
> [1]
> [2]
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2014, David T. Lewis wrote:
>> It seems to me that Object>>species is intended to handle this sort of issue.
>> For IdentitySet, it answers what Eliot was expecting:
>>  IdentitySet new species ==> IdentitySet
>>  Set new species ==> Set
>> However, IdentitySet>>collect: does not make use of this, and it answers
>> a Set for the reasons that Levente explained.
>> Answering an Array or and OrderedCollection would not really make sense,
>> because sets are unordered collections (but Bag might be better).
>> Shouldn't we have an implementation of IdentitySet>>species that answers
>> Set (or Bag), with a method comment explaining why this is the case, and
>> with all of the collection methods using #species to answer the right
>> kind of result?
>> I note that IdentitySet>>collect: answers a Set, but IdentitySet>select:
>> sends #species and therefore answers an IdentitySet.
>> So I think that if we want the #species of an IdentitySet to be a Set,
>> then we should make it so, and give it a method comment to explain the
>> rationale. And the #collect: and #select: methods should both answer a
>> result of that #species.
>> Dave
>> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 01:14:30AM +0100, Levente Uzonyi wrote:
>>> Your example hides the problem of ordering - what Tobias is asking about -
>>> so here's another:
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each class ]
>>> If IdentitySet >> #collect: were returning an Array, then what would be the
>>> answer?
>>> { SmallInteger. Float } or { Float. SmallInteger } ?
>>> If you really want to have the resulting collection have the same size,
>>> but avoid the problem with ordering, then what you really need is a Bag.
>>> Luckily you can have whatever you want (as long as it makes sense):
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Set.
>>> "==> a Set(1)"
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>>> IdentitySet.
>>> "==> an IdentitySet(1)"
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>>> Array.
>>> "==> #(1 1)"
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>>> OrderedCollection.
>>> "==> an OrderedCollection(1 1)."
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as: Bag.
>>> "==> a Bag(1 1)"
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>>> IdentityBag.
>>> "==> an IdentityBag(1 1)"
>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [ :each | each asInteger ] as:
>>> Heap.
>>> "==> a Heap(1 1)"
>>> Levente
>>> On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Frank Lesser wrote:
>>>> Hi Tobias,
>>>> agree, a problem of "OrderedCollection"
>>>> not to break a lot of other things we could return an Array.
>>>> but for me collecting has priority.
>>>> Frank
>>>> -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von: [hidden email]
>>>> [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von
>>>> Tobias
>>>> Pape
>>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 00:48
>>>> An: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>>> Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] IdentitySet>>collect:
>>>> On 27.11.2014, at 00:34, Frank Lesser <[hidden email]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hmm, not convinced
>>>>> (IdentitySet withAll: #(1 1.0)) collect: [:e| e asInteger ]
>>>>> OrderedCollection(1 1 )
>>>>> in LSWVST ( one-to-one ), you collect results of evaluating a block on
>>>>> objects.
>>>>> Frank
>>>>> maybe I am wrong ...
>>>> Where would the order come from for that _Ordered_Collection?
>>>> Best
>>>>    -Tobias

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Re: IdentitySet>>collect:

Colin Putney-3
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg

On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 6:20 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
How would you define “type” here? Same class?

Yes, same class. It might be reasonable to answer instances of analogous classes for weak collections, and expect the caller to use #collect:as: if they want to retain weakness. 
