I'm trying to serialize morphs. A simple use of ReferenceStream seem
not satisfactory cause some morphs may store blocks (e.g. a textmorph
can refer to a block as crAction). So, I started looking at image
segments. It worked fine for me when exporting segments to files.
But, I encountered some issues when serializing into memory.
I first used RWBinaryOrTextStream as following:
morph := RectangleMorph new.
morph addMorph: (SimpleButtonMorph newWithLabel: 'My Button').
morph extent: 100@50.
morph position: 200@200.
segment := ImageSegment new.
segment copyFromRoots: (Array with: morph) sizeHint: 500000.
stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new: 1000000).
stream fileOutClass: nil andObject: segment.
stream reset.
(stream fileInObjectAndCode) install arrayOfRoots first openInWorld.
stream close
but, I got the following error 'Improper store into indexable
object'. I don't understand exactly why. Tough I switched to
MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream. It works, but it's about 4 times slower
compared to file usage !
Any hints?
Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. I.A.
http://csl.ensm-douai.fr/nouryEuropean Smalltalk Users Group Board
http://www.esug.orgSqueak: a Free Smalltalk