Important reminder - Squeak Foundation Election 2008!

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Important reminder - Squeak Foundation Election 2008!

Göran Krampe
Dear Squeakers,

This is primarily a reminder for *nominating board member candidates*!
The deadline for nominations is 22nd February and that is VERY SOON! For
the full schedule, see below.

Our current nominees are:

        Bert Freudenberg (serving on the board currently)
        Yoshiki Ohshima  (serving on the board currently)

Both Bert and Yoshiki were nominated by Kim Rose, VPRI.

Every year we elect the Squeakfoundation Board
( consisting of seven members from our
community. The exact duties of this board is not fully defined and there
are definitely varying ideas on how it should work and what we expect
from it - this is also why it is so important for us all to nominate
candidates and to lket the candidates present their views and ideas!

For more information about the board, see Ron's recent email:

Let me remind us all of the schedule:

Now through 22nd February (circa 8 days!!!!!): Nominations of board
        Candidates should nominate themselves on the squeak-dev mailing list.
        Or if you nominate someone else, make sure that person really wants
        to run. :)

22nd February to 29th February: Campaigning period
        During this period the candidates should ideally present themselves
        and the community can ask questions. We will probably organise some
        form of structured Q&A activity - details to follow soon.

1st march 6PM (18.00) UTC: Online election starts using the CIVS system
        The voting period is one week long and ballots are sent out via email.
        Only Squeakers rated as Apprentice (or higher) on are eligible to vote - make sure your
        email address is up to date there!!!

8th march 6PM (18.00) UTC: Online election ends
        Results will be announced as soon as possible on the 8th or 9th.


In order to vote - be sure to confirm that you have an account on and that your email address is up to date.
If you are not already registered on the site do so as soon as
possible. Include information about your participation in the Squeak
community to aid everyone in determining your appropriate certification.
If you have an account but cannot access it any longer please email
[hidden email] and specify your account name.
When the voting period starts all voters will receive an email with
instructions and a link to the voting website.

If there are any further questions, just reply and I will follow up on
squeak-dev. More information and details will follow and everything
about the election can be tracked here:

regards, Göran Krampe on behalf of the Election Team
Beginners mailing list
[hidden email]