Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?

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Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?

Pascale Julia
I just installed Squeak on Ubuntu Karmic.
I'd like to find a way of making web pages made of various graphics.
Say I get wild with my niece one afternoon and we draw and make animations with Squeak, and family picture albums and all kinds of things graphic that do things (and that fit into a web page). Apparently I can save this as a "project". (By the way, I have no idea where my doodles ended up on my Linux, still looking for them.
How do I save those projects and can I insert them into a web page (and of course, keep the animations and such).
I'd be very thankful to get an idea of whether this is at all possible.
Thank you very much in advance,

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Re: Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?

Jerome Peace

--- On Sat, 4/24/10, Pascale Julia <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Pascale Julia <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Newbies] Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010, 7:31 PM

Okay. Fasten your seatbelts. There are ways and ways.

First we are talking static pictures here. Animations are an advanced topic.

Saving a picture of your morph:
First and easiest you can save a snapshot of any morph.
Do the halo click.
>From the red menu>export
then select gif jpg png or bmp.

Usually I choose png.

Getting a morph you want to save:
>From the world menu>new morph>grab rectangle from screen..

Will give you a cursors for choosing the top left then bottom  right corners. The image in that rectangle becomes the basis for a sketchMorph. Then go to "First"ly.

That should be pretty much what you need.

Yet theres more.
You can get an image snapshot of any morph by
Doing the halo click.
Hold the shift down while pressing the viewer(light blue center left) handle. This image can be resized, combined with other morphs, resnapshoted until you have something you want. Then go to "First"ly.
The useful thing about this is the ability to get an image from just the morph you selected after you have designed it just the way you wanted.

So there you have probably a little more than you really wanted to know.


Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace

I just installed Squeak on Ubuntu Karmic.
I'd like to find a way of making web pages made of various graphics.
Say I get wild with my niece one afternoon and we draw and make animations with Squeak, and family picture albums and all kinds of things graphic that do things (and that fit into a web page). Apparently I can save this as a "project". (By the way, I have no idea where my doodles ended up on my Linux, still looking for them.

How do I save those projects and can I insert them into a web page (and of course, keep the animations and such).
I'd be very thankful to get an idea of whether this is at all possible.
Thank you very much in advance,


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Re: Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?

Herbert König
In reply to this post by Pascale Julia
Hi Pascale,

PJ> "project". (By the way, I have no idea where my doodles ended up on my
PJ> Linux, still looking for them.

search for pr files in your file system. Dunno about Linux, in Windows
I get a folder selector when I select "Save project on file". So maybe
you never saved any project and they all live in your squeak image.

PJ> How do I save those projects and can I insert them into a web page (and of
PJ> course, keep the animations and such).
PJ> I'd be very thankful to get an idea of whether this is at all possible.

Squeak is available as a web browser plugin. To see how this all works
look at Etoys at .  Select "Tutorials" "Interactive
demos" and then any demo. This will download the etoys VM and image on
your computer and start Etoys a plugin in your browser.

Nearly nobody (except Squeakers) have it but then Squeak runs inside
the browser. Etoys is Squeak based and if it weren't for the many
recent changes in Squeak I'd say vou just have to replace the Etoys
image and changes with your image and changes files.

OTOH what you are doing looks like it also could be done in Etoys. And
you can "jailbreak" Etoys to have the full Squeak environment.



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Re: Inserting graphics made with Squeak into a web page?

Gary Dunn
In reply to this post by Pascale Julia
On Sun, 2010-04-25 at 01:31 +0200, Pascale Julia wrote:

> Hello,
> I just installed Squeak on Ubuntu Karmic.
> I'd like to find a way of making web pages made of various graphics.
> Say I get wild with my niece one afternoon and we draw and make
> animations with Squeak, and family picture albums and all kinds of
> things graphic that do things (and that fit into a web page).
> Apparently I can save this as a "project". (By the way, I have no idea
> where my doodles ended up on my Linux, still looking for them.
> How do I save those projects and can I insert them into a web page
> (and of course, keep the animations and such).

If you want to put them on a web page to exhibit your work you might
want to create a flash movie. This should be a example ... I can't watch
it in FreeBSD because Flash 10 is not yet supported:

You could place the .pr file along side, so that other can download it
and open it in Squeak.

To make a project, create a new project first, then click in its window
to make it the current project, then doodle away. It is harder to turn
doodles into projects, but it can be done.

Gary Dunn, Honolulu
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