Install Seside and Glorp on SqueakLightII image

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Install Seside and Glorp on SqueakLightII image

Chris Cunnington

To install Seaside 2.8.3, you could: 

a.) drag the attached installer file onto your open Squeak background and watch it work 
b.) use the written instructions below
c.) watch this movie:

After you've installed Seaside using either b or c. Then installing Glorp should be pretty easy. 
The SeasideLoader just recommended looks cool, but I don't know how to press start on it. How do you use it? 
If anybody has successfully installed Seaside 3.0 on Squeak I'd be keen to hear how they did it. 


Seaside Installation Instructions

Welcome to the Squeak page for installing the Seaside web framework. This
page will show you how to install two different versions of Seaside in two
different ways. The first is called 2.8.3 and is a little older and a little
more stable. We will install that version using a package management tool
called Monticello. The second is called 3.0 and is the latest version of
Seaside. We will install that using a web page at

Installing 2.8.3

   1. Once you have opened Squeak, click on the background called the World.
   Select open and then Monticello Browser. In the top right corner of that
   window will be a symbol with two squares. Click that to open up the window
   to a more useful size.
   2. Click on the +Repository button. Select HTTP. You will see a template.
   We need to change something there. Replace with Press Accept. Before we
   install Seaside, we need to install a server that Seaside will use.
   3. In the large, bottom right window ensure the repository you’ve just
   added is selected and then press Open.
   4. In the small window that appears we will need to install three things:
   DynamicBindings; KomServices; and; KomHttpServer. It’s best to install these
   three packages in that order.
   5. In the left hand pane click on DynamicBindings. Then in the right hand
   window click the topmost version. Then click Load. Do that also for
   KomServices and KomHttpServer.
   6. Now lets use Monticello to install Seaside. Using the same
   instructions as above, create an HTTP repository aimed at Then open it.
   7. In the left hand pane of the window that appears find Seaside2.8a1 and
   select it. Then in the right hand window choose the topmost package. Press
   8. We’re almost done. Click on the World, select open, and choose
   Workspace. In that window write WAKom startOn: 8080. Highlight that. We need
   to tell Squeak to do it. On a Mac click Option+click to pull up the correct
   menu. On PC right click. Choose Do It.
   9. WAKom is a mix of two titles. WA stands for Seaside. Kom stands for
   the Comamche server. Executing this command starts the server on port 8080.
   10. Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/seaside.

Installing 3.0

1.     Go to

2.     Forgo all the options for now. Go to 3. and press Load Script. That
will download a file called seaside-3.0.0-alpha5.cs.

3.     Open Squeak and drag that file onto the background called the World.

4.     Click “install into new change set”  and wait while it installs.

5.     Now follow steps 8-10 in the 2.8.3 instructions. Realize they don’t
work. Go to the Process Browser. Kill the process. Try WAComancheAdaptor
startOn: 8080. See that that fails as well. Conclude that Seaside 3.0 is
either no longer compatible with Squeak 3.10.2 or there is some other way to
make it work. Say screw it and go to Starbucks. (406 bytes) Download Attachment