Interpreter: how generate C for new method

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Interpreter: how generate C for new method

I've added a *new* method to Interpreter but VMMaker seems to ignore
it.  How do I coax it into generating the C code for my method?  BTW,
I've verified that I'm doing things otherwise correctly by changing an
existing method and noting that the chages are reflected in the
generated C source.



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Re: Interpreter: how generate C for new method

Well if you don't have any clear usage of it in the interpreter, then  
the optimization inlining step will
consider it not-callable and remove it from the list of methods to  
generate C code for.
Fortunately there is another method (the name escapes me) where you  
can add methods that
aren't explicitly called, yet must exist.


On 15-Sep-05, at 6:23 AM, David Shaffer wrote:

> I've added a *new* method to Interpreter but VMMaker seems to ignore
> it.  How do I coax it into generating the C code for my method?  BTW,
> I've verified that I'm doing things otherwise correctly by changing an
> existing method and noting that the chages are reflected in the
> generated C source.
> Thanks,
> David

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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Re: Interpreter: how generate C for new method

In message <79A94AF8-08BB-42E9-862C-7B74EC8ACB44@smalltalkconsulting.
          John M McIntosh <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Well if you don't have any clear usage of it in the interpreter,
> the optimization inlining step will
> consider it not-callable and remove it from the list of methods to  
> generate C code for.
> Fortunately there is another method (the name escapes me) where you  
> can add methods that
> aren't explicitly called, yet must exist.
> Interpreter(class)>>requiredMethodNames
There are several implementations of that method in classes like
ObjectMemory etc and you should stick your method selector in the
appropriate list. As John said, if it is 'disappearing' it's because
nobody sends it or it is only sent by another method that isn't sent
and so on.

Tim Rowledge, [hidden email],
It said, "Insert disk #3," but only two will fit!