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Re: InterpreterProxy>>ioFilename:fromString:ofLength:resolveAliases:?

Well the image knows which encoding it is using to deal with  
pathnames, anyone know the
magic words to find that information out?

On 3-Apr-06, at 6:35 PM, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:

>   John,
>> Well the VM is given a info.plist entry or cmd line that defines what
>> encoding to use. This information needs to be gotten from
>> the VM in order to set the proper filenameConverter. My understanding
>> was that the default for the mac carbon vm was
>> MacRoman, but the fileNameConverter used in 3.8? is latin-1. If I
>> choose latin-1 there are characters in the utf-8 character set
>> allowed in
>> os-x that can't be translated to latin-1 so latin-1 technically is
>> not a viable choice. I understand UTF-8 is viable, but somehow the
>> image should configure that from the Vm without manual intervention.
>   Note that the fileNameConverter to use is decided when the image is
> started.  It can check the platform, vm version, etc., etc. to decide
> which one to use.  An example is shown JapaneseEnvironment
> class>>systemConverterClass.  In the other words, the image stuff can
> be configured.
> -- Yoshiki

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.