InterpreterSimulator running?

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InterpreterSimulator running?

Michael Haupt-3

I'm wondering what combination of image/VM/VMmaker version is needed
to run a simulation of the VM.

It doesn't work on a 3.8.12beta4U VM with the 3.9g-7061 image and
3.8b6 VMMaker, on an Intel Mac.



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Re: InterpreterSimulator running?


On 6-Nov-06, at 1:30 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering what combination of image/VM/VMmaker version is needed
> to run a simulation of the VM.
> It doesn't work on a 3.8.12beta4U VM with the 3.9g-7061 image and
> 3.8b6 VMMaker, on an Intel Mac.

Well the actual VM version shouldn't matter, so long as it runs the  
image ok. I was under the impression that a 3.8 image with  
VMMaker3.8b6 ought to run the sim ok. I haven't had time to test it  
in a long while.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Strange OpCodes: CM: Circulate Memory

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Re: Re: InterpreterSimulator running?

Michael Haupt-3
Hi Tim,

On 11/6/06, tim Rowledge <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Well the actual VM version shouldn't matter, so long as it runs the
> image ok. I was under the impression that a 3.8 image with
> VMMaker3.8b6 ought to run the sim ok. I haven't had time to test it
> in a long while.

when I start the simulator as suggested in its documentation in a
fresh 3.8 image, it relocates object pointers for a while and then
signals an error indicating that an improper store into an indexed
object had taken place. So, the simulator seems to be "broken" in the
3.8 release already.

Next, I have installed (updated) VMMaker to 3.8b6 via SqueakMap,
reinitialised the ObjectMemory constants and issued the same startup
sequence as before. This time, simulation doesn't work either, but the
message is different: message not understood -

Both of these happen on an Intel Mac.

Of course I don't just want to complain. If I can help somehow to make
this work again, please give me pointers indicating where I can start



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Re: InterpreterSimulator running?


On 8-Nov-06, at 4:42 AM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> when I start the simulator as suggested in its documentation in a
> fresh 3.8 image, it relocates object pointers for a while and then
> signals an error indicating that an improper store into an indexed
> object had taken place. So, the simulator seems to be "broken" in the
> 3.8 release already.

Umm. That sounds like you are using a release with a version of  
VMMaker already installed. I strongly suggest you don't do that. Try  
starting from a 3.8.1 plain image and then load VMMaker 3.8b6.

For all practical purposes Craig is the current expert at beating up  
the simulator; in fact so far as I know he's pretty much the only  
person making serious use of it right now.

tim Rowledge; [hidden email];
Strange OpCodes: SCS: Spurious Cold Start