Status: Accepted
[hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Product-Core Milestone-1.0-beta.32
New issue 169 by
[hidden email]: odd spec passes validation spec passes validation, but I don't think it should ... I haven't
determined what happens when you try to load one of these, but I imagine
that it might not be pretty:
<version: '1.0-baseline'>
spec for: #'common' do: [
spec blessing: #'baseline'.
spec repository: 'dictionary://Metacello_Dev_Cycle_Repository'.
spec package: 'AAA' with: [
spec requires: #('MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo' ). ].
spec group: 'MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo' with:
#('MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo' ). ].
discovered while writing tests for Issue 5. Here's the test case:
| expectException issues validationError |
expectException := false.
createBaseline: '1.0-baseline'
for: self configurationName asString
repository: 'dictionary://' , self repositoryName asString
requiredProjects: #()
packages: #('AAA')
dependencies: {('AAA' -> #('MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo'))}
groups: {('MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo' ->
#('MetacelloTestConfigurationOfFoo'))} ]
on: MetacelloValidationFailure
do: [ :ex |
issues := ex issues.
expectException := true ].
self assert: expectException.
self assert: issues size == 1.
validationError := issues at: 1.
self assert: validationError reasonCode == #versionCompositionError.
self assert: validationError callSite == #validateProject:version: