Jabber client for Squeak 4.1?

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Jabber client for Squeak 4.1?

John Chludzinski
Is there a reasonably stable Jabber client that works on Squeak 4.1?  ---John

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Re: Jabber client for Squeak 4.1?

On 8/4/2010 3:34 PM, John Chludzinski wrote:
> Is there a reasonably stable Jabber client that works on Squeak 4.1?
>   ---John

Check out Nikolay Suslov's port of Croquet to 4.1. Croquet used to
include a Jabber client; if you're lucky you can just use it:


   - Andreas

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Re: Jabber client for Squeak 4.1?

John Chludzinski
In reply to this post by John Chludzinski
> Check out Nikolay Suslov's port of Croquet to 4.1. Croquet used to
> include a Jabber client; if you're lucky you can just use it:
> http://nsuslovi.blogspot.com/2010/07/open-croquet-running-on-squeak-41.html
> - Andreas

I'm using Nikolay's image now.  But I haven't been able to run my old
Jabber client test code which worked with the old version of Croquet

So using the "SimpleDemo (Master)" from Nikolay's image I was able to
add an account.  I then tried "Text Chat" but all I got is the
message: no connection to <my IP>.  Anyone successfully use chat with
Nikolay's image?


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Re: Jabber client for Squeak 4.1?

John Chludzinski
After some perusing I found out that the "Text Chat" is NOT a Jabber
chat app.  So how do you Jabber chat with Nikolay's image?

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 4:58 PM, John Chludzinski
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>> Check out Nikolay Suslov's port of Croquet to 4.1. Croquet used to
>> include a Jabber client; if you're lucky you can just use it:
>> http://nsuslovi.blogspot.com/2010/07/open-croquet-running-on-squeak-41.html
>> - Andreas
> I'm using Nikolay's image now.  But I haven't been able to run my old
> Jabber client test code which worked with the old version of Croquet
> (opencobalt-1.0alpha1rc32).
> So using the "SimpleDemo (Master)" from Nikolay's image I was able to
> add an account.  I then tried "Text Chat" but all I got is the
> message: no connection to <my IP>.  Anyone successfully use chat with
> Nikolay's image?
> ---John