Just playin' around

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Just playin' around

Michael Rice
A TextMorph (string '15') and two SimpleButtons, one with a '+' and the other with a '-'.

Target for both buttons is the TextMorph. The following, executed (with DoIt) in the bottom subwindow of the '+' button inspector increments the TextMorph by 1.

(self target) contents: ((((self target) getNumericValue) + 1) printStringBase: 10).

However, a Viewer for the '+' button seems to have no target variable. And a script for the button rejects "button up?" and "button down?" tests with error messages.

Seems I'm trying to hook up some incompatible things. How would one hook up these three morphs, simply?

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Re: Just playin' around

Nicola Mingotti

I am a beginner, like you, and I learnt how to bind buttons to actions from the Workspace a few days ago :)

So, here is a minimal working snippet. Run one line at a time for best fun. First line is only to clean already existing widgets. I did not put the Layout stuff to keep things as easy/nice as possible.

"Run this line to clean up and restart testing. Not useful on first run "
s delete. bp delete. bm delete.

s := StringMorph new.
s openInWorld .
s contents: '0'.
s position: 100@100.

bp := SimpleButtonMorph new.
bp openInWorld .
bp label: 'Plus-1'.
bp position: 150@100.

bm := SimpleButtonMorph new.
bm openInWorld .
bm label: 'Minus-1'.
bm position: 250@100.

"------ Add actions to buttons ------------ "
bp target: [ s contents: (s contents asInteger + 1) asString ].
bp actionSelector: #value.

bm target: [ s contents: (s contents asInteger - 1) asString ].
bm actionSelector: #value.



On 8/13/19 12:40 PM, Michael Rice wrote:
A TextMorph (string '15') and two SimpleButtons, one with a '+' and the other with a '-'.

Target for both buttons is the TextMorph. The following, executed (with DoIt) in the bottom subwindow of the '+' button inspector increments the TextMorph by 1.

(self target) contents: ((((self target) getNumericValue) + 1) printStringBase: 10).

However, a Viewer for the '+' button seems to have no target variable. And a script for the button rejects "button up?" and "button down?" tests with error messages.

Seems I'm trying to hook up some incompatible things. How would one hook up these three morphs, simply?

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