LargeInteger ln overflows

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LargeInteger ln overflows

Nicolas Cellier
I put some change in inbox to handle this recent vwnc list request:

(10 raisedTo: 400) log: 10 -> 400 rather than Infinity

Note 1: it works for #ln and #log: but not #log yet.
Note 2: i've put in inbox rather than trunk because I don't know if
really usefull.


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Re: LargeInteger ln overflows

Chris Muller-3
Yes, I've run into this problem before, it is useful, thanks.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I put some change in inbox to handle this recent vwnc list request:
> (10 raisedTo: 400) log: 10 -> 400 rather than Infinity
> Note 1: it works for #ln and #log: but not #log yet.
> Note 2: i've put in inbox rather than trunk because I don't know if
> really usefull.
> Nicolas