Learning Slang

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Learning Slang

Chris Cunnington

I'm not sure learning Slang means much without the greater context. The spine is the build
process and the Slang is just at one end of it. 

Above are two build processes from Adrian Lienhard 
and DTL. They both use unix platform sources. They use an image EXTERNAL cmake configure script
to generate the cmake folders in the build directory. 

Contrast that with Igor and Esteban (the pdf above), who have image INTERNAL cmake generation classes such as CMakeVMMaker. 
Those classes fill the build directory with things. 

DTL uses the VMMaker tool, while Igor does not. He'll put something like this in a Workspace:

| config |
config := StackInterpreterMacOSConfig new.
config internalPlugins: (config internalPlugins copyWith: #TheUniversalAnswer).
config generateSourceFiles.
CMakeVMGenerator generate: config 

Of XCode and files like SqueakPureObjcCogVM.xcodeproj it seems the less said, the better. 
XCode files seem to be left over from a vm builder who is no longer around. (If that's not true, then 
I'd sure like someone to post one for the iOS folder in the platforms directory!)

As a beginner, I prefer to look at Slang as a subset of CMake. And not the other way around. :)


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Re: Learning Slang

Bert Freudenberg
Well, Slang is really just C in Smalltalk's clothing. The best way to learn it IMHO is to just write something (taking cues from other plugins) and look at the generated source code.

Besides that you will need to learn about the VM internals, mostly how objects are represented as bits, but that is not directly related to learning Slang itself.

- Bert -

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