If you want to use the plugin, just load Cryptography-ul.12.mcz. If
you don't have VMMaker loaded into your image (you probably don't),
then just proceed when you see the warning about missing
InterpreterPlugin and SmartSyntaxInterpreterPlugin. To actually use
the plugin you have to make sure that the vm can access it. This
should return true if the vm can load the plugin: SHA256
CryptoHashFunctionTest contains the tests for SHA256.
If you are under windows and don't want to build the plugin yourself,
you can download it from here
http://leves.web.elte.hu/cryptography/SHA256Plugin.dllOtherwise set up an image with VMMaker then load
Cryptography-ul.12.mcz. Build the SHA256Plugin as an external plugin.
The plugin probably won't work in 64-bit or big-endian environments
and will crash your vm.
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[hidden email]>):
Cryptography mailing list
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