MCWorkingCopyTest>>testSimpleMerge (was Re: [squeak-dev] The Trunk: NetworkTests-dtl.33.mcz)

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MCWorkingCopyTest>>testSimpleMerge (was Re: [squeak-dev] The Trunk: NetworkTests-dtl.33.mcz)

Frank Shearar-3
On 3 November 2012 21:11, Herbert König <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> This should get us to either 4 or 5 remaining test failures on the
> tests, depending on VM. I'll note for the record that
> SocketTest>>testSocketReuse fails on my computer at home (SuSE Linux), but
> passes on I presume this is due to another platform
> difference, but it's not showing up on the radar for our Squeak 4.4 release
> preparation so I'm not going to worry about it right now.
> as I managed to bring my Windows 7 Laptop but not the power supply I ran the
> tests under XP, current update.
> I updated to Trunk #12269, disabled the IPV6 preference and got:
> 3264 run, 3239 passes, 18 expected failures, 6 failures, 1 errors, 0
> unexpected passes,
> The error console roughly translates to: getnameinfo: the requested name is
> valid and was found in the database. It does not have the correct associated
> data ehich should be evaluated.

Thanks, Herbert!

MCWorkingCopyTest>>testSimpleMerge looks interesting - that's a test
that passed on CI. Would you mind poking it, maybe getting a stack
trace or similar? What's making it fail?


> Cheers
> Herbert

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Re: MCWorkingCopyTest>>testSimpleMerge (was Re: [squeak-dev] The Trunk: NetworkTests-dtl.33.mcz)

Herbert König
On 3 November 2012 21:11, Herbert König [hidden email] wrote:
Thanks, Herbert! MCWorkingCopyTest>>testSimpleMerge looks interesting - that's a test that passed on CI. Would you mind poking it, maybe getting a stack trace or similar? What's making it fail? frank

funny thing if I restart (incl. update code) and run run this test alone it passes.Running it a second time it fails again. Confusing (at least for me).

So I restarted again (slowish computer :-)) with an empty debuglog and the test passed when running all tests. Running it alone a second time it failed again.

Is this expected?

Deleting the debuglog was a bad idea, now I have none to send. Error console didn't show up again.I continue poking.

This is the test and how I checked:
    self run: #testSimpleMerge     by me to run it singly
    | mother base inst |
    0 halt.                            "by me"
    inst := self mockInstanceA.
    base :=  self snapshot.
    self change: #one toReturn: 2.
    mother :=  self snapshot.
    self load: base.
    self change: #two toReturn: 3.
    self snapshot.
    self assert: inst one = 1. "returns 2 on second run is that OK?"
    self assert: inst two = 3.
    self merge: mother.
    self assert: inst one = 2.
    self assert: inst two = 3.

