On 8/27/10, Chris Cunnington <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Every project needs a quick victory to create some momentum, so I've taken a
> slight detour from Sophie to Scratch. I've uploaded a player taken from
> Scratch to
http://www.squeaksource.com/MultiMedia.html. (Writable to all)
> You can load it into an updated 4.1 image. Then you can get a movie file to
> put on your desktop from here:
> In a Workspace, you can enter:
> MoviePlayerMorph new openInWorld
> do it, and you'll get a player. Hit the "Open" button, find the "castle.mpg"
> you just downloaded, and you'll have something that looks like this:
> Then you can press "Play" and listen and watch the bird. To "Play" again you
> need to "Rewind" first.
> The file is an MPEG1 Muxed. It is quite old and if this player can play
> anything else, I couldn't say.
> It's a pretty humble beginning, but seeing as I posted the idea less than 48
> hours ago, and now you're looking at a movie in 4.1, I think that's a solid
> start.
Yes, indeed. Congrats. Hannes
Today I was thinking about the VLC player. It plays a lot of formats
and seemingly they manage the licenses issue. There is a portable
http://www.portableapps.comWould it be possible to just wrap it from withing Squeak?