Chris, you found it, that's the place.
And if you click on the desktop the 'windowMenu' method is called
(copied in below).
It calls a SelectionMenu which is a popup-menu.
So the task is how to change the font of the SelectionMenu
I'll leave the next round of investigation to somebody else ....
Which has
"Answer a menu for windows-related items. "
^ SelectionMenu labelList:
'find window...'
'find changed browsers...'
'find changed windows...'
'collapse all windows'
'expand all windows'
'close unchanged windows' ) ,
with: self bitCachingString
with: self staggerPolicyString)
lines: #(1 4 7)
selections: #(
findWindow chooseDirtyBrowser chooseDirtyWindow
collapseAll expandAll closeUnchangedWindows
fastWindows changeWindowPolicy)
On 9/13/10, Chris Cunnington <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> I searched for uses of "open..." in the system, and I'll put my chips on:
> ST-80Controllers ScreenController nested menus projectScreenMenu
> It has the same list of options. And anything ST-80 has to be the oldest, as
> MVC is old.
> The new font look nice.
> Assuming I've found the target, how would you change the font?
> Chris