Mac Carbon VM goes to 3.8.11b4

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Mac Carbon VM goes to 3.8.11b4

I've put up 3.8.11b4 universal to fix a problem reported by dual  
screen users. Cmd-F does not show the context menu in the right place.

Also note I altered the mpeg3plugin to place 0xFF in the alpha  
channel to fix problems with 32 bit movies under Tweak.

Please find the VM in the usual places via the link

                compiler should asks for inlined sqSqueakMemory accessors if intel,  
these generate better assembler than
                non-inline which is better for powerpc.
                        Browser plugin code must return VM Path name, can't use argv[0].
                sqMacMemory.c (see 3.8.11b3, perhaps not checked in correctly)

                        Start poking at  code to make work under browser again

                        old getmousepoints should not convert coord to global, on cmd-key  
remember old coordianates
                        versus doing getmousepoints since the port is not set. Likely  
we've stored the last mouse move!
                                Change to set Alpha to OxFF versus 0x00 in order to play better  
with Tweak in 32bit mode
                                misc poking at MMX (not working) for MacIntel

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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Re: Mac Carbon VM goes to 3.8.11b4

Bert Freudenberg-3
Am 19.03.2006 um 00:04 schrieb John M McIntosh:
> 3.8.11b4
> sqMacNSPlugin.c
> Start poking at  code to make work under browser again

Would it be possible to run a normal VM in the browser plugin, like  
the Win and Unix plugins do? It's surely going to be more work up-
front, but in the long run it should become much easier to maintain  
and extend.

- Bert -