Mac OS Cocoa MIDI Plugin

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Mac OS Cocoa MIDI Plugin

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

    recently the Cog VM on Mac OS X moved to Cocoa, the Objective-C API for the platform, leaving behind the old Carbon C API.  There is some backward compatibility support but it is gradually being deprecated by Apple.  One victim is the MIDIPlugin which was written against a ComponentManager API that, while Apple docs say is only deprecated, has actually disappeared.  Consequently the MIDIPlugin support (see needs completely rewriting to use Cocoa APIs.  I've recently changed the build so that the MIDIPlgin is built externally, which will make it easier to work on; one doesn't need to build the entire VM, only the plugin.  I'm looking for volunteers who
a) love music/know MIDI
b) are happy programming at the Objective-C level using command-line builds and perhaps Xcode, but more immediately lldb for debugging.

If interested, reply to vm-dev and we can continue discussions there; there are folks that can help with Mac OS support, but no one I know of that has time to write this rather important plugin for multi-media.  It would be a great shame to lose MIDI on Mac.

AdvThanksance, Eliot