Mac OS - path and file name of the VM app

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Mac OS - path and file name of the VM app

Robert Krahn

I am trying to create a sar file which moves a .bundle directory into  
the VM app. Let's assume that my SqueakVM is /Applications/ Then I would have to move my bundle directory into /

I get the path to the vm app  with SmalltalkImage current vmPath. But  
this only evaluates to /Applications/. How do I get the name of the  
app directory?

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Re: Mac OS - path and file name of the VM app

Michael Rueger-6
Robert Krahn wrote:

> Hi!
> I am trying to create a sar file which moves a .bundle directory into
> the VM app. Let's assume that my SqueakVM is /Applications/
> Then I would have to move my bundle directory into
> /Applications/
> I get the path to the vm app  with SmalltalkImage current vmPath. But
> this only evaluates to /Applications/. How do I get the name of the app
> directory?

Which is actually the correct behavior, as the .app is the vm as far as
external appearance is concerned.
Did you try imagePath? You could also have a look at the Sophie File
Locations package.

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Re: Mac OS - path and file name of the VM app

In reply to this post by Robert Krahn
Hi Robert -

If I remember correctly this does the trick:

   Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 0.

   - Andreas

Robert Krahn wrote:

> Hi!
> I am trying to create a sar file which moves a .bundle directory into
> the VM app. Let's assume that my SqueakVM is /Applications/
> Then I would have to move my bundle directory into
> /Applications/
> I get the path to the vm app  with SmalltalkImage current vmPath. But
> this only evaluates to /Applications/. How do I get the name of the app
> directory?
> Thanks,
> Robert
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Re: Mac OS - path and file name of the VM app

Robert Krahn
Nice, thank you very much!

On Jul 9, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Andreas Raab wrote:

> Hi Robert -
> If I remember correctly this does the trick:
>  Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 0.
> Cheers,
>  - Andreas