> On 5/28/08, Aditya Siram <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Is there an SMTP server in Squeak?
> Yes, at
>>From the description there:
> "The goal behind this is to give Seaside applications the possibility to
> accept emails as input. It only works in delivery mode, no relaying, no
> gatewaying whatsoever. This means it only accepts mails, you can not use
> it
> to send mails. So this is not a fully featured SMTP server that can
> replace
> sendmail."
For sending email - you got SMTPClient built in. We use it extensively in
Gjallar. Trivial stuff.
For receiving email - yes, you could use the above - or just pop regularly
like we do using POP3.
regards, Göran
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