Hi Again,
El 07/04/11 13:01, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas escribió:
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking in somekind of artistic project where I can make a collage
> of images that advance in a random direction for a while and then vanish
> after a while. This are small chunks of papers (quotes) and images. I
> would like any indication of how to make this things fade. In fact the
> clasical advance and turn did not the trick, because I want to set
> direction once and after that create this illusion of advancing and fading.
This part seems already working. This code make the trick:
(30 random eToysLT: 5)
ifTrue: [self setHeadingTheta: 180 random.
self setX: 1000 random.
self setY: 1000 random]
ifFalse: [self forward: 20]
The fading is now the pending part for the graphical effect. I would
like also to copy this behaviour, but on poster, copies of the same
object with different look (I remember something about siblings)
> Another more advaced thing is trying to get all the text tagged with
> #LeyLleras in the microblogging sites of identi.ca and twitter and put
> them to scroll in the bottom of the world.
Here I have no clue.
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