Making an image to fade after going in some directorio for a while and microbloggin bonus

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Making an image to fade after going in some directorio for a while and microbloggin bonus

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi all,

I'm thinking in somekind of artistic project where I can make a collage
of images that advance in a random direction for a while and then vanish
after a while. This are small chunks of papers (quotes) and images. I
would like any indication of how to make this things fade. In fact the
clasical advance and turn did not the trick, because I want to set
direction once and after that create this illusion of advancing and fading.

Another more advaced thing is trying to get all the text tagged with
#LeyLleras in the microblogging sites of and twitter and put
them to scroll in the bottom of the world.

I'm reading now about how to make this two things, but any advice will
be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Making an image to fade after going in some directorio for a while and microbloggin bonus

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi Again,

El 07/04/11 13:01, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas escribió:
> Hi all,
> I'm thinking in somekind of artistic project where I can make a collage
> of images that advance in a random direction for a while and then vanish
> after a while. This are small chunks of papers (quotes) and images. I
> would like any indication of how to make this things fade. In fact the
> clasical advance and turn did not the trick, because I want to set
> direction once and after that create this illusion of advancing and fading.

This part seems already working. This code make the trick:

        (30 random eToysLT: 5)
                ifTrue: [self setHeadingTheta: 180 random.
                        self setX: 1000 random.
                        self setY: 1000 random]
                ifFalse: [self forward: 20]

The fading is now the pending part for the graphical effect. I would
like also to copy this behaviour, but on poster, copies of the same
object with different look (I remember something about siblings)

> Another more advaced thing is trying to get all the text tagged with
> #LeyLleras in the microblogging sites of and twitter and put
> them to scroll in the bottom of the world.

Here I have no clue.


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