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Rob Rothwell
Can anyone explain what exactly MemoryUsage tells me if I see 47.7M/49.9M = 95.7%?



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Re: MemoryUsage

Davide Arrigo
Hi Rob.

2008/6/10, Rob Rothwell <[hidden email]>:
> Can anyone explain what exactly MemoryUsage tells me if I see 47.7M/49.9M =
> 95.7%?
MemoryUsage is telling you are using 95,7% of RAM allocated. If you
want, on Unix/Linux by example, you can start from command line with
this command:
arrigo@aleph Fuzzy-Squeak]$ squeak -memory 70M squeak.image
with -memory option you can tell to your VM to allocate 70MB of RAM in
executing your squeak.image.
I don't know how is it on windows or Mac.

Davide Arrigo
Beginners mailing list
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