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Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

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Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Peter Uhnak

are "methodProperties.json" files needed?

Every time someone makes even small changes it is accompanied by ten times more json file changes which is a mess.

So is it needed with git? Cannot the information be retrieved from git commits?

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier
Hi Peter,

Le 07/04/2015 17:39, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
> Hi,
> are "methodProperties.json" files needed?


> Every time someone makes even small changes it is accompanied by ten
> times more json file changes which is a mess.

Yes, it creates quite some noise on the git logs and diffs.

> So is it needed with git? Cannot the information be retrieved from git
> commits?

It is not needed for git.

GitFileTree retrieves the information via the git logs.

But, if we remove it entirely, then the repository won't be usable by
filetree. So GitFileTree keeps writing that metadata to stay compatible.


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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
and if we remove the method properties from FileTree, then the
monticello files stored there could not be transparently copied into and
out of a FileTree repo ... and FileTree is SCM neutral ...

Personally I use
https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
think twice about the properties files ...

On 04/07/2015 08:48 AM, Thierry Goubier wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Le 07/04/2015 17:39, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> are "methodProperties.json" files needed?
> No.
>> Every time someone makes even small changes it is accompanied by ten
>> times more json file changes which is a mess.
> Yes, it creates quite some noise on the git logs and diffs.
>> So is it needed with git? Cannot the information be retrieved from git
>> commits?
> It is not needed for git.
> GitFileTree retrieves the information via the git logs.
> But, if we remove it entirely, then the repository won't be usable by
> filetree. So GitFileTree keeps writing that metadata to stay compatible.
> Thierry

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Sean P. DeNigris
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
Personally I use
https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
think twice about the properties files ...
Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in addition to the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible without complicating Git?
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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Peter Uhnak
Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but when I see things like this

where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180 additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull requests incredibly messy.

I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to regenerate those files?

Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
> Personally I use
> https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
> think twice about the properties files ...

Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've
been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in addition to
the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible
without complicating Git?

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818233.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris

The primary reason that the method properties.json file exists is to
preserve the date and timestamp for monticello ... git doesn't need this
but, to be able to seamlessly copy monticello files from filetree to mcz
and back again without losing data the information has to be stored
somewhere ... a pure git repo does not need this information and it can
be eliminated, but you pay the price of cutting off mcz file
compatibility ... FileTree is agnostic as to the SCM being used ... it
is a disk format ... so it cannot leverage the meta data from git ... if
git is not used to manage the disk ...

I appreciate the fact that folks are coming up with all sorts of ideas
... but there are constraints as to what is done for FileTree ...
FileTree is supposed to be cross platform so changing disk formats is
not as easy as just writing some smalltalk code, unless you want to
write the smalltalk code for the 4 or 5 different Smalltalk dialects
that read/write FileTree ...

Thierry has taken the approach of maintaining compatibility with
FileTree, which is a convenient thing to do ... convenient for all of
the folks that have been using Filetree for the last 3 years and have
been living with the limitations and patiently waiting for folks to
begin adoption ...

the problem with patiently waiting is that I am very busy right now and
I do not have the time to fiddle with FileTree ... I know that a number
of you guys don't care about other platforms and don't care about
backwards compatibility ... but I do and I do not have the free time to
fiddle around with the fad of the moment ...

I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like
Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools
can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...

BTW, we had some major email wars several years ago and frankly I don't
have the time to justify decisions that were made 3 years ago every 2
months ....


On 04/07/2015 04:14 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>> Personally I use
>> https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
>> think twice about the properties files ...
> Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've
> been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in addition to
> the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible
> without complicating Git?
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818233.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

That looks like a bug in the FileTree writer ... wiht one method change there should have been only one method property file change ...

Peter and Sean,

If you are interested in contributing code/bugfixes to FileTree, I will welcome pull requests ... As I have mentioned in several posts today, I do not have the time to fiddle with changes to the FileTree format myself, but I welcome contributions.

Damien has started work on an updated version of the FileTree format[2].

I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with the proper tools you can leverage that information..

As I ranted in another post ... changing the disk format is the easy part ... building and maintaining tools for the 4-5 different Smalltalk dialects is a different matter ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues
[2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues/144
On 04/07/2015 04:38 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but when I see things like this

where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180 additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull requests incredibly messy.

I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to regenerate those files?

Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
> Personally I use
> https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
> think twice about the properties files ...

Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've
been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in addition to
the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible
without complicating Git?

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818233.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs-3

My mail may have been a bit harsh, so please read my reply to Peter ...
where I think I take a bit more positive tack:)

I am really pressed for time so I don't have the luxury to blue sky
ideas ... but I will make the time to review any code contributions that
folks have ...


On 04/07/2015 04:52 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Sean,
> The primary reason that the method properties.json file exists is to
> preserve the date and timestamp for monticello ... git doesn't need
> this but, to be able to seamlessly copy monticello files from filetree
> to mcz and back again without losing data the information has to be
> stored somewhere ... a pure git repo does not need this information
> and it can be eliminated, but you pay the price of cutting off mcz
> file compatibility ... FileTree is agnostic as to the SCM being used
> ... it is a disk format ... so it cannot leverage the meta data from
> git ... if git is not used to manage the disk ...
> I appreciate the fact that folks are coming up with all sorts of ideas
> ... but there are constraints as to what is done for FileTree ...
> FileTree is supposed to be cross platform so changing disk formats is
> not as easy as just writing some smalltalk code, unless you want to
> write the smalltalk code for the 4 or 5 different Smalltalk dialects
> that read/write FileTree ...
> Thierry has taken the approach of maintaining compatibility with
> FileTree, which is a convenient thing to do ... convenient for all of
> the folks that have been using Filetree for the last 3 years and have
> been living with the limitations and patiently waiting for folks to
> begin adoption ...
> the problem with patiently waiting is that I am very busy right now
> and I do not have the time to fiddle with FileTree ... I know that a
> number of you guys don't care about other platforms and don't care
> about backwards compatibility ... but I do and I do not have the free
> time to fiddle around with the fad of the moment ...
> I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
> actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support
> (like Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ...
> good tools can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk
> format matter ...
> BTW, we had some major email wars several years ago and frankly I
> don't have the time to justify decisions that were made 3 years ago
> every 2 months ....
> Dale
> On 04/07/2015 04:14 PM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:
>> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>>> Personally I use
>>> https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
>>> think twice about the properties files ...
>> Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on GitHub, I've
>> been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in
>> addition to
>> the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that possible
>> without complicating Git?
>> -----
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818233.html
>> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs-3
Le 08/04/2015 02:05, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
> Peter,
> That looks like a bug in the FileTree writer ... wiht one method change
> there should have been only one method property file change ...

Yes, I'd agree. This is surprising.

Unless you had been loading that package via another repository /
another version / another branch before in the same image?

MCMethodDefinition has a cache which consider equals methods with
different timestamps, and, in that case, it would carry the timestamps
of the previous version, and writing those upon save instead of the

> Peter and Sean,
> If you are interested in contributing code/bugfixes to FileTree, I will
> welcome pull requests ... As I have mentioned in several posts today, I
> do not have the time to fiddle with changes to the FileTree format
> myself, but I welcome contributions.
> Damien has started work on an updated version of the FileTree format[2].
> I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that
> would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is
> working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the
> current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's
> work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option
> to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with
> the proper tools you can leverage that information..

I would say this could be a reasonable possibility, in that you could
have two modes of compatibility:

- Complete filetree compatibility for gitfiletree: the current
situation, with properties and version written to disk.

- Partial filetree compatibility, where that metadata isn't written and
you rely on gitfiletree to recreate it to export as .mcz.

Partial compatibility has two effects, which need to be considered. When
using github:// or bitbucket:// urls, filetree will be used and your
packages will end up having no version number (except .1?), no author,
no timestamps for methods, etc... And the second one is that, if you
clone a mcz inside the gitfiletree repository, the mcz ancestry of
versions and author timestamps on methods will be lost, which is
something you may not want.


> As I ranted in another post ... changing the disk format is the easy
> part ... building and maintaining tools for the 4-5 different Smalltalk
> dialects is a different matter ...
> Dale
> [1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues
> [2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues/144
> On 04/07/2015 04:38 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but
>> when I see things like this
>> https://github.com/dynacase/dynacase/commit/90141d63bfdd433e51a768c2191e035b76c5da83
>> where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180
>> additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull
>> requests incredibly messy.
>> I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the
>> properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to
>> regenerate those files?
>> Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit
>> of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.
>> Peter
>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris
>> <[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>     Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>>     > Personally I use
>>     > https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
>>     > think twice about the properties files ...
>>     Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on
>>     GitHub, I've
>>     been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in
>>     addition to
>>     the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that
>>     possible
>>     without complicating Git?
>>     -----
>>     Cheers,
>>     Sean
>>     --
>>     View this message in context:
>>     http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818233.html
>>     Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at
>>     Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Peter Uhnak
I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time. As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would). But that may be a lot o work so I can only dream about it, as nobody has time for that (me included).

But to bottom line this thread (for me at least, because I'm getting lost):
1. methodProperties.json provide compatibility for FileTree, so I don't want to get rid of it (for now)
2. the large amount of file changes is probably a bug (I'll try to be more observant about the commits in the future and hopefully some pattern will emerge.)
3. I shouldn't want to break things for now at least
4. more people are starting to work on Git
5. I need to learn about FileTree at some point if I want to contribute and experiment with (my) ideas (which won't be soon as I'm preparing for my finals)

Thanks for all your answers.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 7:24 AM, Thierry Goubier <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le 08/04/2015 02:05, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

That looks like a bug in the FileTree writer ... wiht one method change
there should have been only one method property file change ...

Yes, I'd agree. This is surprising.

Unless you had been loading that package via another repository / another version / another branch before in the same image?

MCMethodDefinition has a cache which consider equals methods with different timestamps, and, in that case, it would carry the timestamps of the previous version, and writing those upon save instead of the originals.

Peter and Sean,

If you are interested in contributing code/bugfixes to FileTree, I will
welcome pull requests ... As I have mentioned in several posts today, I
do not have the time to fiddle with changes to the FileTree format
myself, but I welcome contributions.

Damien has started work on an updated version of the FileTree format[2].

I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that
would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is
working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the
current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's
work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option
to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with
the proper tools you can leverage that information..

I would say this could be a reasonable possibility, in that you could have two modes of compatibility:

- Complete filetree compatibility for gitfiletree: the current situation, with properties and version written to disk.

- Partial filetree compatibility, where that metadata isn't written and you rely on gitfiletree to recreate it to export as .mcz.

Partial compatibility has two effects, which need to be considered. When using github:// or bitbucket:// urls, filetree will be used and your packages will end up having no version number (except .1?), no author, no timestamps for methods, etc... And the second one is that, if you clone a mcz inside the gitfiletree repository, the mcz ancestry of versions and author timestamps on methods will be lost, which is something you may not want.


As I ranted in another post ... changing the disk format is the easy
part ... building and maintaining tools for the 4-5 different Smalltalk
dialects is a different matter ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues
[2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues/144
On 04/07/2015 04:38 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but
when I see things like this


where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180
additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull
requests incredibly messy.

I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the
properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to
regenerate those files?

Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit
of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris
<[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:

    Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
    > Personally I use
    > https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
    > think twice about the properties files ...

    Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on
    GitHub, I've
    been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in
    addition to
    the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that
    without complicating Git?

    View this message in context:
    Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Martin Bähr
Excerpts from Peter Uhnák's message of 2015-04-08 08:47:15 +0200:
> > I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
> > actually look at

i think the disk format is crucial for interoperability with other tools, such
as github webinterface, or external editors to work on things like pictures or data.
(which is not yet supported (i have an idea how support could look like though))

i don't mind file-per-method though, it helps to make the diff-stat more
readable, showing which methods have been changed, added or removed...

> ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like
> > Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can
> > hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
> I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while
> and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm
> rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the
> power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time.

except for displaying the history graph. can't beat gitk or other gui tools for that.
having a smalltalk version of that graph would really be great!

> As I've
> said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in
> idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh
> it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would).

can't you already do that, except that you need to manually update the image by
loading/adopting the current state from the repo?

greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
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Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier

2015-04-08 9:19 GMT+02:00 Martin Bähr <[hidden email]>:
Excerpts from Peter Uhnák's message of 2015-04-08 08:47:15 +0200:
> > I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever
> > actually look at

i think the disk format is crucial for interoperability with other tools, such
as github webinterface, or external editors to work on things like pictures or data.
(which is not yet supported (i have an idea how support could look like though))

Open subject... I think there are a few ideas floating around, and maybe a need to see a vision around that. 

i don't mind file-per-method though, it helps to make the diff-stat more
readable, showing which methods have been changed, added or removed...

> ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like
> > Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can
> > hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
> I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while
> and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm
> rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the
> power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time.

except for displaying the history graph. can't beat gitk or other gui tools for that.
having a smalltalk version of that graph would really be great!

I saw Martin Dias tools for Epicea during PharoDays, and he has that visualisation in his history browser. I wanted to reuse it, but for now I'm more like chasing bugs and coping with the increased use for gitfiletree.

> As I've
> said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in
> idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh
> it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would).

can't you already do that, except that you need to manually update the image by
loading/adopting the current state from the repo?

There is a bit more behind that.

At the moment, if you reopen / refresh a repository inspector, you'll get that update.

If you browse from the repository, you'll get a 'original' style browser on the stored code, but dead (can't edit).

A vision would be to have normal editing over the repository -- then we could have repository state tracking (and reuse the IDE browser code instead of cloning it inside MC).

But there is a conflict with smalltalk vision of live coding: you need a far deeper connection of the repository and the Pharo image, and this is clearly not how CMS are designed... git and fossil and the likes are managing dead files, which is a concept which is clearly older than the beginnings of Smalltalk, and it shows. For me, anything clearly Smalltalk-ish in that approach would require a close integration of the image and a versionning Object persistent storage (which would be smalltalk-only in access to, for example, guarantee syntax correctness).


greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
chief engineer                                                       eKita.co
pike programmer      pike.lysator.liu.se    caudium.net     societyserver.org
secretary                                                      beijinglug.org
mentor                                                           fossasia.org
foresight developer  foresightlinux.org                            realss.com
unix sysadmin
Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

2015-04-08 8:47 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]>:
I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time.

Agreed and this is in that spirit I did GitFileTree. Dale went a bit further and even integrated the git command line access inside smalltalk via CommandShell... so that you get the best of both worlds without leaving your beloved Smalltalk :)
As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would). But that may be a lot o work so I can only dream about it, as nobody has time for that (me included).

Well, as I said elsewhere, Smalltalk doesn't work like that: code has to be lived in the image for most tools to work properly... it doesn't really have an "editor of file" mindset, but an "object inspector" mindset.

What we're looking at in another thread is how to emulate that live object approach over dead files, and, thinking of it, I'm not sure we will succeed well.

In short, what you want may never work properly because it is not how it should be conceptualized.

But to bottom line this thread (for me at least, because I'm getting lost):
1. methodProperties.json provide compatibility for FileTree, so I don't want to get rid of it (for now)
2. the large amount of file changes is probably a bug (I'll try to be more observant about the commits in the future and hopefully some pattern will emerge.)
3. I shouldn't want to break things for now at least
4. more people are starting to work on Git
5. I need to learn about FileTree at some point if I want to contribute and experiment with (my) ideas (which won't be soon as I'm preparing for my finals)

Please ask around for 5. It is valuable to have to expose what we already know.


Thanks for all your answers.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 7:24 AM, Thierry Goubier <[hidden email]> wrote:
Le 08/04/2015 02:05, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

That looks like a bug in the FileTree writer ... wiht one method change
there should have been only one method property file change ...

Yes, I'd agree. This is surprising.

Unless you had been loading that package via another repository / another version / another branch before in the same image?

MCMethodDefinition has a cache which consider equals methods with different timestamps, and, in that case, it would carry the timestamps of the previous version, and writing those upon save instead of the originals.

Peter and Sean,

If you are interested in contributing code/bugfixes to FileTree, I will
welcome pull requests ... As I have mentioned in several posts today, I
do not have the time to fiddle with changes to the FileTree format
myself, but I welcome contributions.

Damien has started work on an updated version of the FileTree format[2].

I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that
would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is
working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the
current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's
work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option
to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with
the proper tools you can leverage that information..

I would say this could be a reasonable possibility, in that you could have two modes of compatibility:

- Complete filetree compatibility for gitfiletree: the current situation, with properties and version written to disk.

- Partial filetree compatibility, where that metadata isn't written and you rely on gitfiletree to recreate it to export as .mcz.

Partial compatibility has two effects, which need to be considered. When using github:// or bitbucket:// urls, filetree will be used and your packages will end up having no version number (except .1?), no author, no timestamps for methods, etc... And the second one is that, if you clone a mcz inside the gitfiletree repository, the mcz ancestry of versions and author timestamps on methods will be lost, which is something you may not want.


As I ranted in another post ... changing the disk format is the easy
part ... building and maintaining tools for the 4-5 different Smalltalk
dialects is a different matter ...


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues
[2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree/issues/144
On 04/07/2015 04:38 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
Yeah, I do use the MergeDriver and it saved me a lot of headache, but
when I see things like this


where one five lines long method generated 14 file changes with 180
additions and 172 deletions... it makes the log on github and pull
requests incredibly messy.

I don't want to cut branch under myself if I were to remove the
properties file. So my question now is: how hard would it be to
regenerate those files?

Or maybe if it was moved to some metadirectory. This reminds me a bit
of svn which polluted the whole folder tree with .svn files everywhere.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:14 AM, Sean P. DeNigris
<[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:

    Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
    > Personally I use
    > https://github.com/ThierryGoubier/GitFileTree-MergeDriver and never
    > think twice about the properties files ...

    Ooh, intriguing. In other to make it easier to view code on
    GitHub, I've
    been toying with the idea of generating one-class-per-file in
    addition to
    the regular gitfiletree files. Could this be used to make that
    without complicating Git?

    View this message in context:
    Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Martin Bähr
Excerpts from Thierry Goubier's message of 2015-04-08 10:11:44 +0200:
> > As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be
> > interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only
> > somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would).
> > But that may be a lot o work so I can only dream about it, as nobody has
> > time for that (me included).
> Well, as I said elsewhere, Smalltalk doesn't work like that: code has to be
> lived in the image for most tools to work properly... it doesn't really
> have an "editor of file" mindset, but an "object inspector" mindset.

the interesting thing is that i don't think git is the problem here. a git repo
does not need to have a working tree. smalltalk git tools could read the code
directly from git using git-fast-export and write them with git-fast-import

the effect would be that the working tree is now only in the smalltalk image,
and git would be a pure storage of history. any use of external tools on the
repo would happen on a clone and be pushed into the repo that smalltalk uses.

that would however be a complete break with filetree. (it could still create
compatible structures, it just could not use its code to read and write)

greetings, martin.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Sean P. DeNigris
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs-3
Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
My mail may have been a bit harsh, so please read my reply to Peter ...
where I think I take a bit more positive tack:)
We are beyond politeness, my friend... Not our first rodeo :)

Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
I am really pressed for time so I don't have the luxury to blue sky
ideas ...
I understand. I was not suggesting anyone do anything. Also, I agree that methods seem to be the proper level for SCM versioning as they are in the Smalltalk image. I was simply asking, in light of the appearance that the merge driver could seemingly ignore the changes to certain files while still committing them with Git, if it would be feasible to add read-only one-class-per files "for viewing on GitHub". This is more of a sanity check to see if I understood what the merge driver makes possible.
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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier
Le 08/04/2015 13:23, Sean P. DeNigris a écrit :

> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>> My mail may have been a bit harsh, so please read my reply to Peter ...
>> where I think I take a bit more positive tack:)
> We are beyond politeness, my friend... Not our first rodeo :)
> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>> I am really pressed for time so I don't have the luxury to blue sky
>> ideas ...
> I understand. I was not suggesting anyone do anything. Also, I agree that
> methods seem to be the proper level for SCM versioning as they are in the
> Smalltalk image. I was simply asking, in light of the appearance that the
> merge driver could seemingly ignore the changes to certain files while still
> committing them with Git, if it would be feasible to add read-only
> one-class-per files "for viewing on GitHub". This is more of a sanity check
> to see if I understood what the merge driver makes possible.

The merge driver seemingly ignoring the changes to certain files while
still committing? No, doesn't work that way. The merge driver never commits.

Unless you mean that, in case of conflicts on merging that file, that
the merge driver should be disregarding the conflicts and choose one
version over another... Not sure to see how that would work.

Remember that the merge driver is only called by git merge. Nothing else.

Adding a description file would enter it into the git and make it
tracked as are all other files. And adding a file is really not a big deal.


> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Metacello-GIT-methodProperties-json-tp4818097p4818323.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Thierry Goubier

On 04/07/2015 10:24 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:

> Le 08/04/2015 02:05, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
> I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that
> would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is
> working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the
> current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's
> work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option
> to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with
> the proper tools you can leverage that information..
> I would say this could be a reasonable possibility, in that you could
> have two modes of compatibility:
> - Complete filetree compatibility for gitfiletree: the current
> situation, with properties and version written to disk.
> - Partial filetree compatibility, where that metadata isn't written
> and you rely on gitfiletree to recreate it to export as .mcz.
> Partial compatibility has two effects, which need to be considered.
> When using github:// or bitbucket:// urls, filetree will be used and
> your packages will end up having no version number (except .1?), no
> author, no timestamps for methods, etc... And the second one is that,
> if you clone a mcz inside the gitfiletree repository, the mcz ancestry
> of versions and author timestamps on methods will be lost, which is
> something you may not want.
Yes for Metacello some modifications would need to be made because in a
normal mcz universe Metacello will not load a package if the version is
older or the same as the one in the image ... and following in the
tradition of other Monticello tools the UUID is ignored:( .. I was
working with a pure cypress implementation and have written the
Metacello code to support these repos ...

A better long term solution is to treat these as a CypressPackage or
FileTreePackage which has some similarities to Monticello packages ...
because faking out Monitcello version numbers and users is not much
different than storing the metadata in FileTree ...

But someone were to add those options to filetree, I think we could
reduce the overall number of hacks:)


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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Thierry Goubier
Hi Dale,

Le 08/04/2015 19:30, Dale Henrichs a écrit :

> On 04/07/2015 10:24 PM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
>> Le 08/04/2015 02:05, Dale Henrichs a écrit :
>> I have threatened in the past to add an option to a repository that
>> would eliminate the need to store monticello meta data ... Damien is
>> working on "starting from scratch" on the new format, because the
>> current implementation supports 4-5 different FileTree formats. Damien's
>> work could be leveraged to add an "optional Monticello meta data" option
>> to FileTree and if your SCM (like git) gives you per method history with
>> the proper tools you can leverage that information..
>> I would say this could be a reasonable possibility, in that you could
>> have two modes of compatibility:
>> - Complete filetree compatibility for gitfiletree: the current
>> situation, with properties and version written to disk.
>> - Partial filetree compatibility, where that metadata isn't written
>> and you rely on gitfiletree to recreate it to export as .mcz.
>> Partial compatibility has two effects, which need to be considered.
>> When using github:// or bitbucket:// urls, filetree will be used and
>> your packages will end up having no version number (except .1?), no
>> author, no timestamps for methods, etc... And the second one is that,
>> if you clone a mcz inside the gitfiletree repository, the mcz ancestry
>> of versions and author timestamps on methods will be lost, which is
>> something you may not want.
> Yes for Metacello some modifications would need to be made because in a
> normal mcz universe Metacello will not load a package if the version is
> older or the same as the one in the image ... and following in the
> tradition of other Monticello tools the UUID is ignored:( .. I was
> working with a pure cypress implementation and have written the
> Metacello code to support these repos ...


Yes, the version number handling is delicate; even the one used by
gitfiletree feels unsatisfying, even if it allows Metacello/Monticello
to work as usual.

> A better long term solution is to treat these as a CypressPackage or
> FileTreePackage which has some similarities to Monticello packages ...
> because faking out Monitcello version numbers and users is not much
> different than storing the metadata in FileTree ...

Not sure I understand. I know where the Cypress/FileTree code handles
the lack of metadata when reading, that's all :)

> But someone were to add those options to filetree, I think we could
> reduce the overall number of hacks:)

Another solution I'd see possible is a reduced metadata format, where
just the version number of the current package is stored and retrieved
(i.e. a version file without ancestry).

It would allow FileTree and Metacello to work exactly as usual.

And, maybe, I could even unify the UUIDs?

There are things in Monticello which needs a rethink to better adapt to
SCMs like git (or Fossil: it's so similar to git :) ) while keeping more
or less the same appearance: branches, hashes, tags and semantic

But I don't see yet how to handle that or to propose anything.

I know that it would be great to reduce the cognitive distance between
MC version and history handling, and the same as seen from Metacello
baselines and configurations. Branches + baselines are doing a lot to
simplify, but MC stuff is unaware of that. And MC should delegate
merging to the underlying repository, as well.


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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

On 04/07/2015 11:47 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
I thnk that rather than focus on the disk format which I hardly ever actually look at ... that folks should be looking at tools support (like Thierry) ... this is where the real work needs to happen ... good tools can hide the disk fomat completely so why does the disk format matter ...
I am personally not really a fan of this; I've been using git for a while and I am perfectly content with using command line on the disk (maybe I'm rare breed); I have yet to see a GUI/tool that would come even close to the power of command line, but I've been using Linux for a long time.
I understand and that is a tension point for FileTree ... the source _is_ on disk and you do use the GitHub tools (or any other git tools independent of those in Smalltalk) that give you a picture of everything that changed including the "ugly" meta data ...

I flip around and use vi at times to edit a method and of course the github tools for pull requests. But then I use the tODE tools for working with git as well ... but as you recognize, the monticello meta data is there for compatibility and righ now at least compatibility is a good thing ...

As I've said to Thierry some time ago in different thread, I would be interested in idea of having everything on disk side and Pharo would only somehow refresh it's content (just like a Java IDE / text editor would). But that may be a lot o work so I can only dream about it, as nobody has time for that (me included).

But to bottom line this thread (for me at least, because I'm getting lost):
1. methodProperties.json provide compatibility for FileTree, so I don't want to get rid of it (for now)
2. the large amount of file changes is probably a bug (I'll try to be more observant about the commits in the future and hopefully some pattern will emerge.)
3. I shouldn't want to break things for now at least
4. more people are starting to work on Git
5. I need to learn about FileTree at some point if I want to contribute and experiment with (my) ideas (which won't be soon as I'm preparing for my finals)

All very good points


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Re: Metacello GIT methodProperties.json

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by Sean P. DeNigris

On 04/08/2015 04:23 AM, Sean P. DeNigris wrote:

> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
> Dale Henrichs-3 wrote
>> I am really pressed for time so I don't have the luxury to blue sky
>> ideas ...
> I understand. I was not suggesting anyone do anything. Also, I agree that
> methods seem to be the proper level for SCM versioning as they are in the
> Smalltalk image. I was simply asking, in light of the appearance that the
> merge driver could seemingly ignore the changes to certain files while still
> committing them with Git, if it would be feasible to add read-only
> one-class-per files "for viewing on GitHub". This is more of a sanity check
> to see if I understood what the merge driver makes possible.

Sean, I think the issue becomes one of "so who makes sure the the
readonly file matches the rest of the source" ...

I do occasionally edit files directory with vi ... I do regularly merge
in changes from GemStone and Squeak ... so any package with this kind of
file has the potential to decay quickly unless the changes were made so
that they'd work on the supported filetree platforms ...

If you wanted to experiment, you could fork FileTree and try some
experiments ... if they become something worth sharing, they could be
merged into the master pharo branch ...
