Metacello configuration Help...

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Metacello configuration Help...

Dale Henrichs
This morning I just added HelpBrowser support for configuration documentation. If you load Metacello 1.0-beta.29 and then bring up the Help Browser, you should see a new section entitled 'Metacello Confiugrations' if you open the topic, you will see a listing for all of the configurations loaded into your image.

By default there are three topics created for each configuration:

  Getting Started

Those topics are created by default and filled with auto generated content ... Each configuration can supply their own custom definition for each of the default topics by defining the three messages:


and returning a HelpTopic with appropriate content. If desired, the configuration can implement the message helpPages and then provide additional help topics over and above the defaut.

I've written custom help for ConfigurationOfMetacello and ConfigurationOfMetacelloBrowser so you can see how it's done ..  when the automatic generation algorithm is finalized (I want to use configuration reflection to enhance the content ... i.e., listing groups and symbolic versions, etc., I''l add template code to the MetacelloConfigTemplate class.

I've added a documentation menu item to the MetacelloBrowser, so that the help information will be readily available and more visible that it isn't present ...

Anyway, I thought I'd mention this new feature here and get some early feedback ... presently the feature will be available in 1.0-beta.29, but if there is enough interest, I can push out a 1.0-beta.28.5 with just this feature ... I think it will be a very useful feature...

Anyway ideas on different content templates (default wording) or additional topics is welcome. Here are some more ideas:

  - include development information like where the primary repository for the configuration is located.
  - target/tested platforms
  - license
  - ???
