Metacello loads package. delete category in package and re-run does not re-load it

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Metacello loads package. delete category in package and re-run does not re-load it

Tim Murray

I am developing an internal Metacello repository for our custom application.


I took as a template the ConfigurationOfVistaCursors and created a ConfigurationOfInHouseApp.


On a clean image without InHouseApp category installed, it works great.


However, when I delete the category and its associated classes and re-run the

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInHouseApp ) load, the actual download and re-install of the package does not occur.

There are no errers reported..the Transcript shows Loading 1.0 of ConfigurationOfInHouseApp….finished 1.0 with

Nothing happening in between.


Exploring (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInHouseApp ) , in the classPool there is a Dictionary entry for #LastVersionLoad->1.0-> anOrderedCollection(‘MyInHouseApp’)

I tried removing both the entry and just the value of #LastVersionLoad hoping to trick Metacello to re-install , but to no avail.


If anybody can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.





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Re: Metacello loads package. delete category in package and re-run does not re-load it

Dale Henrichs

[this is the answer from the Seaside list, but I thought I'd include the
answer here for the benefit of the folks not subscribed to Seaside]

I assume that the problem is related to the fact that the Monticello
packages still exist ... Metacello works on the basis of Monticello
packages, so if a package of the correct version exists, Metacello is
satisfied (even if the package is dirty and empty:).

So, If you unload the package (or delete the working copy), the reload
of Metacello should do the "right thing"


Tim Murray wrote:

> I am developing an internal Metacello repository for our custom application.
> I took as a template the ConfigurationOfVistaCursors and created a
> ConfigurationOfInHouseApp.
> On a clean image without InHouseApp category installed, it works great.
> However, when I delete the category and its associated classes and
> re-run the
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInHouseApp ) load, the actual download
> and re-install of the package does not occur.
> There are no errers reported..the Transcript shows Loading 1.0 of
> ConfigurationOfInHouseApp….finished 1.0 with
> Nothing happening in between.
> Exploring (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfInHouseApp ) , in the classPool
> there is a Dictionary entry for #LastVersionLoad->1.0->
> anOrderedCollection(‘MyInHouseApp’)
> I tried removing both the entry and just the value of #LastVersionLoad
> hoping to trick Metacello to re-install , but to no avail.
> If anybody can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> t.