Method Finder puzzles

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Method Finder puzzles

Tim Johnson

Could be a pointless question, but maybe an answer would teach me something about

I found some things that I can type into Method Finder which show up as results, but have no
senders and no implementors.  These things are ~, ^, #, %, (, <>, and ** .  I understand why
the single-character entries could be exceptional, but the <> and ** puzzle me.

Why is this?  I can type in >>>, ***, &%, or ^^ and not get them back as a result.

) is in a league of its own -- it shows up as a result, and when you click on it, you get a
subscript out of bounds error.

Maybe this is all just Method Finder magic and I should slowly step away.


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Re: Method Finder puzzles

Jerome Peace
[Newbies] Method Finder puzzles

tjohnson at iwu.eduSat Dec 20 03:31:10 UTC 2008

>Could be a pointless question, but maybe an answer would teach me something about
>I found some things that I can type into Method Finder which show up as results, but have no
>senders and no implementors.  These things are ~, ^, #, %, (, <>, and ** .  I understand why
>the single-character entries could be exceptional, but the <> and ** puzzle me.
>Why is this?  I can type in >>>, ***, &%, or ^^ and not get them back as a result.
>) is in a league of its own -- it shows up as a result, and when you click on it, you get a
>subscript out of bounds error.
>Maybe this is all just Method Finder magic and I should slowly step away.
I played with Method Finder very lightly.
Then I found that Message Names Finder was much easier to use.
5 years after that discovery I found the short cut to use it.
Selected a phrase fragment
and type Cmd-Shif-W. The Message Name Finder will appear with all the selectors containing that fragment.
It is not as focused as Method Finder. Still, personally, I would rather make a guess at the name of a selector and take my chances with the list I get.

The Method Finder takes maintenance and updating to work. And there doesn't seem to be anyone who cares to do that.

I think there is a rule that anything with complicated dependencies in squeak (our branch) tends to break.

Consequence of too many cooks who add ingredients w/o understanding the previous makeup of the stew.

Anyway try the Message Name Finder and see if it serves.

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace

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Re: Method Finder puzzles

Tim Johnson

> I played with Method Finder very lightly.
> Then I found that Message Names Finder was much easier to use.
> 5 years after that discovery I found the short cut to use it.
> Selected a phrase fragment
> and type Cmd-Shif-W.

Hey, that will come in handy.

> The Message Name Finder will appear with all
> the selectors containing that fragment.
> It is not as focused as Method Finder. Still, personally, I would
> rather make a guess at the name of a selector and take my chances
> with the list I get.

Oh yes, I have used both.  I find each has its uses.

Have you used Lexicon / InstanceBrowser?  That is one I have found interesting lately, and
haven't found many shortcuts to.

> The Method Finder takes maintenance and updating to work. And there
> doesn't seem to be anyone who cares to do that.
> I think there is a rule that anything with complicated dependencies
> in squeak (our branch) tends to break.
> Consequence of too many cooks who add ingredients w/o understanding
> the previous makeup of the stew.

Yes, this does seem to be true.  And the consequence of so many neat things which work
well enough, and the authors move on to other things...

> Anyway try the Message Name Finder and see if it serves.

It definitely does, as does the Method Finder.  Both will be (and are) part of my repertoire...

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