Hello! Is there a way to invoke a "normal" method from an arbitrary object in Slang? If I have an oop: oop := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: MyClass indexableSize: 0. Now I would like to send message #m1 to the object behind oop. Can the InterpreterProxy do that? Robert |
On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:02 , Robert Krahn wrote: > Hello! > > Is there a way to invoke a "normal" method from an arbitrary object > in Slang? > > If I have an oop: > > oop := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: MyClass indexableSize: 0. > > Now I would like to send message #m1 to the object behind oop. Can > the InterpreterProxy do that? No, the interpreter is not reentrant. What are you actually trying to accomplish? Possibly Andreas' callback support is what you need. - Bert - |
On 06/02/2008, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote: > > > On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:02 , Robert Krahn wrote: > > > Hello! > > > > Is there a way to invoke a "normal" method from an arbitrary object > > in Slang? > > > > If I have an oop: > > > > oop := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: MyClass indexableSize: 0. > > > > Now I would like to send message #m1 to the object behind oop. Can > > the InterpreterProxy do that? > > No, the interpreter is not reentrant. > > What are you actually trying to accomplish? Possibly Andreas' > callback support is what you need. > > - Bert - > > I might suggest that you need to split primitive on two parts, and place ST code in between, where you need send message to object. -- Best regards, Igor Stasenko AKA sig. |
In reply to this post by Bert Freudenberg
> What are you actually trying to accomplish? Possibly Andreas' > callback support is what you need. We are actually trying to find an easy way to use callbacks. The method invocation would be triggered from outside the VM. But since the callbacks are probably synchronous we don't have to use callbacks into the VM at all. If that will not work, we will follow Andreas' proposal and use semaphores. One thing I am interested in concerning this is how are parameters normally passed to the callbacks when using semaphores? By manipulating the stack? |
[hidden email] had sent a note out last Nov talking about work on FFI and callbacks, you might want to contact him for more information. > Hi All, > > .....because I've just complete an initial prototype of a simple FFI > for x86 at Cadence. > The system supports callbacks. I believe it will be reasonably easy > to port across 32-bit processors. ABI features such as the x86-64 > ABI's splitting of structure contents across integer and floating- > point registers is considerably more problematic. But calls > involving integer data should port easily. > > Since call-outs use alloca the FFI is considerably simpler than > Andreas's, and hence slightly faster. The use of alloca is feasible > on RISC processors also, this based on my experience with > VisualWorks. I can provide a porting guide if you're interested in > taking this further. > > The current system is implemented as a plugin supported by four new > functions on Interpreter all of which support callbacks (these are > variants of internalActivateNewMethod and lookupMethodInClass and a > couple of methods for creating the activation of a send and > reestablishing the callout context on returning from a callback). On Feb 6, 2008, at 9:26 AM, Robert Krahn wrote: >> What are you actually trying to accomplish? Possibly Andreas' >> callback support is what you need. > > We are actually trying to find an easy way to use callbacks. The > method invocation would be triggered from outside the VM. But since > the callbacks are probably synchronous we don't have to use > callbacks into the VM at all. If that will not work, we will follow > Andreas' proposal and use semaphores. One thing I am interested in > concerning this is how are parameters normally passed to the > callbacks when using semaphores? By manipulating the stack? -- = = = ======================================================================== John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]> Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com = = = ======================================================================== |
In reply to this post by Robert Krahn
Robert Krahn wrote: > >> What are you actually trying to accomplish? Possibly Andreas' callback >> support is what you need. > > We are actually trying to find an easy way to use callbacks. The method > invocation would be triggered from outside the VM. But since the > callbacks are probably synchronous we don't have to use callbacks into > the VM at all. If that will not work, we will follow Andreas' proposal > and use semaphores. One thing I am interested in concerning this is how > are parameters normally passed to the callbacks when using semaphores? > By manipulating the stack? No, by writing primitives which pick them up. For exampe: runCallbackProcess "Run the callback process" [true] whileTrue:[ CallbackSema wait. [self handleCallback] ensure:[self callbackReturn]. ]. handleCallback "Handle a callback from Python" | nArgs rcvr selector args result | nArgs := self callbackGetArgCount. nArgs < 2 ifTrue:[^nil]. rcvr := self resolveReceiver: (self callbackGetArg: 1). selector := self callbackGetArg: 2. selector isString ifFalse:[^nil]. args := (3 to: nArgs) collect:[:i| self callbackGetArg: i]. "Transcript cr; show: selector; space; show: args." result := [rcvr pyCallback: selector asSymbol args: args] on: Error do:[:ex| Transcript cr; show: ex description. Transcript cr; show: ex signalerContext longStack. ex return: nil. ]. "Transcript show:' ==> '; show: result." self callbackResult: result. callbackGetArgCount "Primitive. Answer the number of args for the current callback." <primitive: 'primitivePyCallbackGetArgCount' module: 'PyBridge'> ^self primitiveFailed callbackGetArg: index "Primitive. Answer the n-th argument of the current callback" <primitive: 'primitivePyCallbackGetArg' module: 'PyBridge'> ^self primitiveFailed callbackResult: result "Primitive. Set the return value from the callback." <primitive: 'primitivePyCallbackSetResult' module: 'PyBridge'> ^self primitiveFailed callbackReturn "Primitive. Return from the callback." <primitive: 'primitivePyCallbackReturn' module: 'PyBridge'> ^self primitiveFailed |
In reply to this post by Robert Krahn
Do remember that Slang is merely a pidjin that makes it relatively simple to write C code within Squeak in order that we can a) simulate the vm to try out new ideas more easily and debug them within our favourite debugger b) transliterate the code to (not terribly good) C code for compilation If you write > oop := interpreterProxy instantiateClass: MyClass indexableSize: 0. oop fooble. ... then it will a) in simulation it will do exactly what you might expect - send #fooble to oop. Since oop is probably an integer standing in as an object pointer (haven't done this in ages) you might be surprised at the result. b) when transliterating it will convert the 'oop fooble' to 'sqInt fooble(sqInt oop);' - modulo the differences between declaration and call. It doesn't do anything clever at all. tim -- tim Rowledge; [hidden email]; http://www.rowledge.org/tim Useful random insult:- A one-bit brain with a parity error. |
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