Monticello - automatic publish new versions to Repo?

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Monticello - automatic publish new versions to Repo?

I created a project on squeaksource and made the repo available to
monticello and published a (simple) package. No problems.

That made me wonder how do i automatically/periodically update the
published package on squeaksource ?

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Re: Monticello - automatic publish new versions to Repo?

not sure I understand but when you open monticello and save your package, you have to select first the repository. So if you select the squeaksource rep and hit save, it will be updated there (there's always a version in the cache too).


2009/12/18 LordGeoffrey <[hidden email]>
I created a project on squeaksource and made the repo available to monticello and published a (simple) package. No problems.

That made me wonder how do i automatically/periodically update the published package on squeaksource ?

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Re: Monticello - automatic publish new versions to Repo?

Thats the process i was referring to. Just rather have it happen automatically.

Cédrick Béler wrote:
not sure I understand but when you open monticello and save your package, you have to select first the repository. So if you select the squeaksource rep and hit save, it will be updated there (there's always a version in the cache too).


2009/12/18 LordGeoffrey <[hidden email]>
I created a project on squeaksource and made the repo available to monticello and published a (simple) package. No problems.

That made me wonder how do i automatically/periodically update the published package on squeaksource ?

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