Can you tell me if this is a valuable approach? I implemented it and
it works. However, I'm not sure if this has drawbacks I can't see
2007/7/16, Damien Cassou <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi Colin and Avi,
> it's again about MC2. Avi seems to think that I should forget dealing
> with slices that are not based on PackageInfo. However, the
> possibility to save any kind of slice is one of the big features
> (maybe THE feature) of MC2.
> What would happen if I try to mimic the behavior of MC1:
> - have a directory
> - when the user saves a slice, a MDFileRepository is created in the
> directory and the data is put into.
> So, each FileRepository contains only 1 memo.
> Wouldn't that work?
> --
> Damien Cassou
Damien Cassou