Hi Colin and Avi,
please answer my question. I want a single MDSliceStatus per MDSlice
but this problem prevents #= from detecting 2 slices created at
different time are equal.
2007/7/19, Damien Cassou <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi Colin and Avi,
> I do not understand why the second assertion fails:
> slice1 := MDPackageInfoSlice named: 'MyCategory'.
> slice2 := MDPackageInfoSlice named: 'MyCategory'.
> self assert: slice1 = slice2.
> (Delay forSeconds: 1) wait.
> slice3 := MDPackageInfoSlice named: 'MyCategory'.
> self assert: slice1 = slice3. "<=== fails"
> Is it important that the time is taken into account while generating
> the id of slices?
> --
> Damien Cassou
Damien Cassou