MonticelloBrowser question

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MonticelloBrowser question

Ch Lamprecht

could anybody help me to understand, how to use MonticelloBrowser?
(Working with 3.9 #7067) I read SBE and it says:

" The right-hand pane lists all of the source-code repositories that Monticello
knows about, usually because it has loaded code from them. If you
select a package in the left pane, the right pane is filtered to show only
those repositories that contain versions of the selected package."

However, I don't see that happen. If I select e.g. OmniBrowser in the left pane,
the list in the right pane is reduced to a local path on my filesystem (the
package-cache). But if I deselect all in the left pane to see all the
repositories in the right pane, then select '' and
open the repository I get a browser containing lots of newer version of
OmniBrowser (and other packages).

Now these repository browsers always take some time to load and I have to check
different repositories by hand to find the latest version.

What is the right way to search (and update) to the latest release of a package?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: MonticelloBrowser question


On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 13:12 +0100, Ch Lamprecht wrote:

> Hello,
> could anybody help me to understand, how to use MonticelloBrowser?
> (Working with 3.9 #7067) I read SBE and it says:
> " The right-hand pane lists all of the source-code repositories that Monticello
> knows about, usually because it has loaded code from them. If you
> select a package in the left pane, the right pane is filtered to show only
> those repositories that contain versions of the selected package."
> However, I don't see that happen. If I select e.g. OmniBrowser in the left pane,
> the list in the right pane is reduced to a local path on my filesystem (the
> package-cache). But if I deselect all in the left pane to see all the
> repositories in the right pane, then select '' and
> open the repository I get a browser containing lots of newer version of
> OmniBrowser (and other packages).
It seems you didn't load Omnibrowser from Monticello in first place.
The repositories are only there if code was loaded from a repository.
If you got Omnibrowser from squeakmap or universe it is normal to find
newer ones in the online repository. Squeakmap and universes contain
"released" versions of the code where Monticello contains the actual
code. If you load Omnibrowser from wiresong you will notice that it
then will show the wiresong repository in the right pane. It is just
that you have to assign a repository once to see it.

> Now these repository browsers always take some time to load and I have to check
> different repositories by hand to find the latest version.
If you are new to squeak and you are not developing some package like
omnibrowser you might better stay with the versions on

> What is the right way to search (and update) to the latest release of a package?

Depends on the package. Most of the projects are using Monticello for
development and many from them use for their
projects. So the right way is to find the right repository and if it
is Monticello most of them provide a snippet you can add to the
Monticello browser after pressing the button "+Repository"

hope this helps,


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Re: MonticelloBrowser question

Conrad Taylor
In reply to this post by Ch Lamprecht
Hi, I'm attempting to load SanstoneGOODS package.  However, it says that I'm missing several dependencies.  For example, I'm getting the following error messages:

Begin Error:

This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions: 
  SDCheckPointer classSide>>startUp:
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultHost
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultPort
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>host
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>host:
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>initialize
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>port
  SDGoodsStore classSide>>port:
  SDGoodsStoreTests classSide>>isAbstract

Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.  

END Error:

Shouldn't Monticello load these dependencies automatically?



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Re: MonticelloBrowser question

Cesar Lesc
you can find your answer here :)


On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Conrad Taylor <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi, I'm attempting to load SanstoneGOODS package.  However, it says that I'm
> missing several dependencies.  For example, I'm getting the following error
> messages:
> Begin Error:
> This package depends on the following classes:
>   SDAbstractStore
>   BTree
>   SDActiveRecordTests
>   SDCheckPointer
> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these
> definitions:
>   BTree>>at:ifAbsentPut:
>   SDCheckPointer classSide>>startUp:
>   SDGoodsStore
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultHost
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>defaultPort
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>host
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>host:
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>initialize
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>port
>   SDGoodsStore classSide>>port:
>   SDGoodsStore>>abortChanges:
>   SDGoodsStore>>cachedLoadOfClass:from:
>   SDGoodsStore>>commit:
>   SDGoodsStore>>db
>   SDGoodsStore>>db:
>   SDGoodsStore>>dictionaryClass
>   SDGoodsStore>>ensureDown
>   SDGoodsStore>>ensureForClass:
>   SDGoodsStore>>flushCounter
>   SDGoodsStore>>flushCounter:
>   SDGoodsStore>>flushDb
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:at:ifAbsent:
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:detect:ifFound:
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:detect:ifNone:
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:do:
>   SDGoodsStore>>forClass:findAll:
>   SDGoodsStore>>inTransaction
>   SDGoodsStore>>inTransaction:
>   SDGoodsStore>>increaseFlushCounter
>   SDGoodsStore>>loadClass:atId:
>   SDGoodsStore>>recoverForClass:
>   SDGoodsStore>>removeObject:
>   SDGoodsStore>>runInTransaction:
>   SDGoodsStore>>storeObject:
>   SDGoodsStore>>updateObject:
>   SDGoodsStoreTests
>   SDGoodsStoreTests classSide>>isAbstract
>   SDGoodsStoreTests>>defaultStore
>   SDGoodsStoreTests>>runCase
>   SDGoodsStoreTests>>setUp
>   SDGoodsStoreTests>>tearDown
> Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.
> END Error:
> Shouldn't Monticello load these dependencies automatically?
> Thanks,
> -Conrad
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