More about me, for election 2010

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More about me, for election 2010

Randal L. Schwartz

Although I've been responding to questions posed here already, I might
as well also fill in things that might not get asked.

I've been on the SOB for the past two terms.

My particular interest is the usability of Smalltalk in educational and
commercial areas, especially for web applications (using Seaside and
AidaWeb). To this end, I've got my mitts in not just Squeak, but also Cincom
VW and GemStone/S.

As the owner of Stonehenge (a training company), I'm particularly interested
in developing courseware and books to bring people up to speed about Smalltalk
and Seaside.

I produce the as-needed "Squeak Weekly News" segment for the weekly Industry
Misinterpretations podcast.  My effort here is to keep Squeak visible to the
rest of the Smalltalk community.

I also talk about Squeak a lot on my FLOSS Weekly podcast, a show about the
movers and shakers in the open source world.  Past shows have included Avi
Bryant, Dan Ingalls, and folks from Etoile, all increasing the visibility of
Smalltalk and Squeak.

Although the past 18 months have posed a serious financial hardship on me,
I've still managed to find time to answer Squeak questions on the mailing
lists and IRC channels and Stackoverflow.  I consider this an important work
for spreading the word about Smalltalk and Squeak.

I've also handled a lot of the interaction to bring out the upcoming Squeak
4.0 release.

In the upcoming year, whether I'm on the board or not, I'll be continuing
to do similar activities.  I want:

* a smaller Squeak core
** but everything removed should be able to be reloaded

* some degree of compatibility between *all* Smalltalks
** although that may be in the form of compatibility libraries

* Smalltalk to continue to be available as a sane choice
  for commercial software

* Squeak community members to find easy on-ramps to contributing to and
  using Squeak for activities we know about, and maybe some we haven't
  even dreamed of

It would be an honor for me to serve on the board for a third consecutive
term.  Please allow me this honor.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:>
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion