I'm working on a tool to visualize simple algorithms and data
structures for my tutorials
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8mimAy5_es&list=PL6601A198DF14788D&index=48&feature=plpp_videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAA0mGRAQwY&list=PL6601A198DF14788D&index=49&feature=plpp_videoCurrently, it only supports display of Array>>at: #at:put: #wrapAt:
in the near term, I'm working on the display of operations on the the
elementary data structures like linked lists, trees, etc, with the
elementary algorithms for sorting/searching/insert/delete/etc.
I'm refactoring as I go. The second iteration still needs much work even
within the context of Array methods.
Suggestions/comments/criticisms welcome, thanks.
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