With Jerome Peace help I'm doing the 3.9b7051 version of
We wish have a "applause" .wav noise when game ends.
So I having:
sonido: aWavFilePath
Sonido := (RWBinaryOrTextStream with: (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed:
aWavFilePath) contentsOfEntireFile )reset
This method ALWAYS works before.
But now I should do the following change to system
"Read all of the contents of the receiver."
| s binary |
self readOnly.
binary := self isBinary.
self converter: Latin1TextConverter new. "MY CHANGE WORKS"
self reset. "erases knowledge of whether it is binary"
binary ifTrue: [self binary].
s := self next: self size.
self close.
For having
(SampledSound fromWaveStream: PuzzleMorph sonido ) play
With change is working.
Any comments to this ? I on Mac OS X.
You could read a .wav on 3.9 ?
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