Morph>>isStackBackground in unloaded images

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Morph>>isStackBackground in unloaded images

Casey Ransberger-2
I notice that after doing #unloadAllKnownPackages, yellow clicking the world causes PasteUpMorph to MNU on #isStackBackground. This is a method on Morph which is probably being unloaded with Etoys. 

I would tend to think that yellow clicking the world is something that should work in an unloaded image, but I'm not really sure what to do: I don't want to rip any stacks code out of the system in a way that isn't reloadable. Is the hypercard-like subsystem in recent versions of Squeak functional? I haven't figured it out.

Recently on the fonc mailing list, Ted Kaehler revealed a V30-based image called "Moshi" which had the stacks stuff very much working, but I'm not sure that they'd port easily, because the system uses a (really interesting!) radical approach to text layout. The image is worth checking out anyway. His announcement was here:

Wrt the error in unloaded images, I was wondering: is there a pattern around doing something conditionally based on whether or not a particular package is installed?

Casey Ransberger