[Morphic] More Nebraska Experiments

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[Morphic] More Nebraska Experiments

Edgar J. De Cleene
Until what my troubles with Nebraska don't drive me to
SqueakPlugin-dev.image, I never have contact with this out mainstream people
/ work.

It's a so superior job of how one image used by a lot of people should be
conducted what I beg this guys take the building process in his hands.

They know what are doing and the result beat the official nonsense, none are
running for any chair and do not insist on all must use his provided or die.

I taking the work of take what is on up to day SqueakPlugin-dev.image and
figure what I should have in 3.9 6705 for proper project loading (if you no
have any problems , that's is why do you don't use Squeak) and for Nebraska
working as was designed.

I just have a first 3.9 6705 with Edgar glue seeing a SqueakPlugin-dev.image
world (Need polishing and the other way too)

I thanks Yoshiki for kind and guiding and extend to big number of unnoticed
Squeak workers on World.




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