Mouse buttons (was: Browser pane width adjustment)

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Mouse buttons (was: Browser pane width adjustment)

Chris Cunnington
"This does not compute to me.
I don't have a blue button, how do I get it to have blue directly?"

There are two ways:

1. Click sharply on your trackpad while hovering over a window. A halo will appear around it. That means its a blue

2. Go to System Preferences>>Mouse and see the arrows pointing to your mouse.

Make one say Secondary Button. That will also produce a halo, and so will be a blue button.

Depress the Control button before firing your mouse/trackpad, and you have it.


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Re: Mouse buttons (was: Browser pane width adjustment)

Ken G. Brown
At 10:42 PM -0500 12/14/10, Chris Cunnington apparently wrote:

>"This does not compute to me.
>I don't have a blue button, how do I get it to have blue directly?"
>There are two ways:
>1. Click sharply on your trackpad while hovering over a window. A halo will appear around it. That means its a blue
>2. Go to System Preferences>>Mouse and see the arrows pointing to your mouse.
>Make one say Secondary Button. That will also produce a halo, and so will be a blue button.

I can make my TrackBall (I think I mistakenly said TrackPad awhile back) send cmd-click which brings up halos, so apparently is a blue button equivalent.

I finally tried a TrackBall button setting called Right-Click instead of separate cmd-click, and it also performs like a blue button to bring up the halos.
Holding the cntl down while hitting this button works!
Wonder what keycode it sends?


>Depress the Control button before firing your mouse/trackpad, and you have it.

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Re: Mouse buttons (was: Browser pane width adjustment)

Ken G. Brown
At 9:18 PM -0700 12/14/10, Ken G. Brown apparently wrote:

>At 10:42 PM -0500 12/14/10, Chris Cunnington apparently wrote:
>>"This does not compute to me.
>>I don't have a blue button, how do I get it to have blue directly?"
>>There are two ways:
>>1. Click sharply on your trackpad while hovering over a window. A halo will appear around it. That means its a blue
>>2. Go to System Preferences>>Mouse and see the arrows pointing to your mouse.
>>Make one say Secondary Button. That will also produce a halo, and so will be a blue button.
>I can make my TrackBall (I think I mistakenly said TrackPad awhile back) send cmd-click which brings up halos, so apparently is a blue button equivalent.
>I finally tried a TrackBall button setting called Right-Click instead of separate cmd-click, and it also performs like a blue button to bring up the halos.
>Holding the cntl down while hitting this button works!
>Wonder what keycode it sends?
>>Depress the Control button before firing your mouse/trackpad, and you have it.

Where would I put a self halt, or some logging code to see what actually gets into Squeak from the outside world?
ie what shows up when my TrackBall sends cmd-click, or Right Click?

Seems to me I saw something go by about this sort of thing on Squeak-dev but I cannot find it.

Thx for any pointers.