2006/8/14, Elod Kironsky <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi!
> Maybe this question was already asked, but I would like to know, what I
> need to do to set up my own squeaksource repository? I assume it will be
> installing a package built over Seaside that is running on a Squeak
> machine,
Yes, note that SqS needs an old version of Seaside (should be loaded
automatically as required package). So you don't want to use this
image for normal seaside development
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/3857/You have three different forks to choose from:
http://source.squeakfoundation.org/sshttp://source.impara.de/sshttp://www.squeaksource.com/ss/> but I would really like to integrate it somehow into my apache
> web server, that is running on the same machine. Is this possible?
As you said, it's a seaside application. The standard way for using
apache as frontend for seaside applications works here too.