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Chris Cunnington
"You shouldn't install Shout, because Squeak has ShoutCore loaded which gives the same features. I also think that ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser is better than the Installer scripts. Dale used to test configurations with Squeak 4.1."

Environments wants two things that are not present:

Installing Shout gives the first. 
Installing ShoutWorkspace gives the second. 

Shout-Core doesn't have PluggableShoutMorph. I think you're talking about reloading SHParserST80, which is already present. 
As for your second point, that may be true, but OmniBrowser sure hasn't been a problem for me loading Environments. The rb has been the problem. And then Shout.
I imagine we've got to change Squeak a little to accommodate Environments. Then we've got to ask James and German to change the package a bit. Such as putting:

SmalltalkImage>>#hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString
^ self globals hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString

in a method category called *Environments, so it gets carried along into Squeak via the mcz package from SqS. 


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Re: Namespaces/Environments

Levente Uzonyi-2
On Mon, 6 Sep 2010, Chris Cunnington wrote:

> "You shouldn't install Shout, because Squeak has ShoutCore loaded which gives
> the same features. I also think that ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser is better
> than the Installer scripts. Dale used to test configurations with Squeak
> 4.1."
> Environments wants two things that are not present:
> PluggableShoutMorph
> SHWorkspace
> Installing Shout gives the first.
> Installing ShoutWorkspace gives the second.
> Shout-Core doesn't have PluggableShoutMorph. I think you're talking
> about reloading SHParserST80, which is already present.

Um no. I'm pretty sure that the features these classes provide are
supported by PluggableTextMorph and Workspace.


> As for your second point, that may be true, but OmniBrowser sure
> hasn't been a problem for me loading Environments. The rb has been the
> problem. And then Shout.
> I imagine we've got to change Squeak a little to accommodate
> Environments. Then we've got to ask James and German to change the
> package a bit. Such as putting:
> SmalltalkImage>>#hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString
> ^ self globals hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString
> in a method category called *Environments, so it gets carried along
> into Squeak via the mcz package from SqS.
> Chris