NativeBoost installation problems

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NativeBoost installation problems

With Mac OS X Snow Leopard, running the pre-compiled NBCog with the 4.3
image, I get Error: MNU Dictionary>>classSide   while running  
NBInstaller install. The error pops up during "Reshaping

Wah. I really do want to do some tutorials about NB and related
technologies. My little demo of a naive (and horribly cruddy)
integration of OpenGL and the squeak IDE has gotten 100 views in the
past 2.5 days, which means that about 10x as many people have watched it
per day than any other video in my tutorial series.

A demo of NativeBoost + GLDisplay + NB OpenGL would probably get even
more views. If the speedup is as much as advertised, it might once again
make Smalltalk the premier platform for prototyping new kinds of GUIs.
My cruddy demo got "lots of potential" feedback from the Slashdot
moderators when I submitted it. A demo of  a fully working
implementation + some simple 3D widgets working within the 2D
environment might get a full slashdot treatment.
