[NativeBoost] new win32 build available

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[NativeBoost] new win32 build available

Igor Stasenko

i just uploaded a new VM, i built tonight and new NativeBoost code.
VM is built from latest SVN + VMMaker + NativeBoostPlugin sources, and
now NativeBoost can use all latest additions to interpreterProxy
function table,
such as addGCRoot, stackPointer etc.

And there's already a code which using that, named NBExternalTypeRegistry.
It serves as a dictionary of  name->object values, where you can
register any object under given name
and then use it in native code (during native code generation).

This is analoguous to what SpecialObjectArray serving for, where you
can put an object and then use that object in primitives
through well-known index.
But in contrast to SpecialObjectArray, a NBExternalTypeRegistry
doesn't requires from you to use indexes. You can use just names!
Also, it doesn't requires from you to statically assign or initialize
the same set of name/value pairs at each image startup.

All what you need is just register an object first:

NBExternalTypeRegistry current at: #MyName put: #(10 12 13)

and then, in your assembler, emit code to load it:

NBExternalTypeRegistry current emitOopAt: #MyName generator: gen

When your restarting a VM, it makes sure that this registry are
initially clean.
So, it is get refilled only when some new native methods is generated
which are using registry to fetch some named object(s).

The most often use of named objects is, of course, instantiating the
objects of specific class, like:

self typeRegistry emitFetchClass: objectClass generator: gen.
proxy instantiateClass: asm EAX indexableSize: 0.

Or, checking that argument is of correct type.
Here, the method which generates a code to verify that argument class
(held in oop) will be an objectClass:

validateClassOf: oop generator: gen

        | asm class |
        asm := gen asm.
        class := gen reserveTemp.
        gen proxy fetchClassOf: oop.
        asm mov:  asm EAX to: class.
        self typeRegistry emitFetchClass: objectClass generator: gen.
        asm cmp: asm EAX with: class;
                jne: gen failedLabel.
        gen releaseTemps: 1.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [NativeBoost] new win32 build available

Igor Stasenko
Core packages were broken, and were unable to load w/o errors.
But now seems everything loads well.
Use NBInstaller install.

Thanks to Henrik for help!

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [NativeBoost] new win32 build available

Ian Trudel-2

I had a question about NativeBoost. Does it support callbacks? One of
the important distinction between FFI and Alien is the latter supports
callbacks. You should consider provide an example of callback using
NativeBoost provided that it is supported. This would be a plus.


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Re: [NativeBoost] new win32 build available

Igor Stasenko
On 30 April 2010 00:29, Ian Trudel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Igor,
> I had a question about NativeBoost. Does it support callbacks? One of
> the important distinction between FFI and Alien is the latter supports
> callbacks. You should consider provide an example of callback using
> NativeBoost provided that it is supported. This would be a plus.

Its nothing prevents NativeBoost from supporting that.
It is certainly doable. But requires some coding effort :)
Here what one should do:

- allocate a memory chunk in separate region (using mmap or VirtualAlloc)
with execution permission.
- put the callback native code there
- pass the address to callback whenever you want to

> Ian.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [Pharo-project] [NativeBoost] new win32 build available

Henrik Sperre Johansen
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
  On 29.04.2010 17:13, Igor Stasenko wrote:
> Core packages were broken, and were unable to load w/o errors.
> But now seems everything loads well.
> Use NBInstaller install.
> Thanks to Henrik for help!
Here's a small example, as well as profile:

SmallInteger >> nbFib
<primitive: 'primitiveNativeCall' module: 'NativeBoostPlugin'>
     ^ NBNativeCodeGen methodAssembly: [:gen |
         | loopStart proxy asm  EAX EBX ECX |
         asm := gen asm.
         proxy := NBInterpreterProxy new asm: asm.
         loopStart := asm uniqueLabelName: 'loopStart'.

         EAX := asm assembler reg0.
         EBX := asm assembler reg3.
         ECX := asm assembler reg1.
         proxy receiver.
         proxy integerValueOf: EAX.

         asm mov: EAX to: ECX;
                 mov: 0 to: EAX;
                 mov: 1 to: EBX;
                 label: loopStart;
                 add: EAX with: EBX;
                 xchg: EAX with: EBX;
                 "next three could be replaced by loopnz and a dec ECX
before loop, but loopnz isn't there yet"
                 dec: ECX;
                 cmp: ECX with: 1;
                 jg: loopStart.

         proxy positive32BitIntegerFor: EBX.
         gen epilogue]

SmallInteger >>fib
     |tmp res|
     tmp := 1.
     res := 0.
     0 to: self -1 do: [:ix | |oldRes|
             oldRes := res.
             res := tmp + res.
             tmp := oldRes.].

Neither work for negative integers, and nbFib overflows for 48, haven't
added largeInt creation logic :)

[1 to: 100000 do: [:ix | 47 fib]] timeToRun 361
[1 to: 100000 do: [:ix | 47 nbFib]] timeToRun 21
[1 to: 100000 do: [:ix | ]] timeToRun 2
