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Nebraska ------> Error: not strike2 format!

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Nebraska ------> Error: not strike2 format!

radouane el marjani
13 posts

>Message: 3
>Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:06:05 -0300
>From: "Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene" <[hidden email]>
>Subject: Re: I need a Help: Simulation with Morphs!
>To: squeakdev <[hidden email]>
>Message-ID: <C023479D.AA5E%[hidden email]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>radouane el marjani puso en su mail :
>>I need some ideas from you, I have writting a simulation experience with
>>Squeak. This experience will be procced in two computers. my simulation
>>will be based on Morphs and IconicButtons.
>>My problem is, my tempter for the experience must seat on the computer
>>in a room and make some experiences and I must seat
>>in an other room and I will observe from my computer, what my tempter in
>>his computer makes. I will use a programm like "VNC".
>>But I will sometimes to react from my computer with a click on a Button
>>(for example for a help) from my computer without that the tempter will
>>observe that.
>>I find no solution how can a IconicButton just on my Reaction react on
>>the same simulation where the tempter his experience does?.
>>Have someone an idea or someone had  this same problem?
>You must use Nebraska.
>On computer of other person he/she should type in a Workspace
>    NebraskaServerMorph serveWorld
>Select the text and do it via menu
>On your computer you should do
>    NetworkTerminalMorph openAndConnectTo: 'servername'
>You could put the IP of other person for servername, can see what happens in
>other machine and clicks and all things on the another computer window was
>remote executed.
>Hope this help.

Thanks Edgar for your help, I think that it  was what I need but
I had trying Nebraska bei Squeak version 3.8 and 3.7 in the both computer.
But I have all time this error:  not strike2 format. I don't know what I
must do,
I think it's a coding problem bei data transmission. I need a Help, have
someone an idea.


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Re: Nebraska ------> Error: not strike2 format!

Edgar J. De Cleene
2738 posts
radouane el marjani puso en su mail :

> Hi,
> Thanks Edgar for your help, I think that it  was what I need but
> I had trying Nebraska bei Squeak version 3.8 and 3.7 in the both computer.
> But I have all time this error:  not strike2 format. I don't know what I
> must do,
> I think it's a coding problem bei data transmission. I need a Help, have
> someone an idea.
> Thanks.
> Radouane
You must update both images with this recipe.
File in in order the attached .cs (0489 first ).
Was on smalland branch and tip sended to me by Yoshiki.
The last one should cure the case in what you don't have the same font set
in both images.
I have this working on all images from 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and smalland brach (the
plugin one)
In case you have problems, send email to me private if you wish and I could
assist via Squeak IRC chat (this way you have your image running for asking
And if you don't have proxys , routers or similar on your end, I could send
living objects from Argentina to you, Squeak to Squeak none package loaded


0503nebraskaText-yo.1.cs (5K) Download Attachment
0502nebraskaBuffer-yo.1.cs (3K) Download Attachment
0489nebraskaFix.1.cs (3K) Download Attachment
0525nebraskaFontSet.1.cs (6K) Download Attachment
CanvasDecoder class-decodeTTCFont.st (1K) Download Attachment